Moving out

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(Maribel=4yrs    and    Camilo=4yrs)  

Maribel watched from the nursery as Peppa lifted Camilo into her arms and Dolores and Felix smiled nearby. Tomorrow night was Camilo's gift ceremony. Maribel knew she should be happy for her cousin, but she and Camilo had shared a room their entire lives and she would miss her brother/cousin. Julieta was on her way to her room when she spotted a shy little Maribel peeking out of the nursery like a little spy. She walked over to her youngest daughter and lifted her up. Maribel wrapped her arms around her mother's neck as she was carried downstairs. Camilo looked down and saw Maribel. He wanted to go talk to his cousin, but his family wanted to talk with him a little longer.

In the kitchen Julieta set Maribel down on the counter and heated up some of her cooking. Maribel stayed quiet, kicking her legs and smiling.

"Mira, what's going on?" Julieta asked her little girl while handing her Arepas con Queso. [I don't know anything about Colombia so if I ever get spelling or anything wrong, pls tell me so I can fix my mistake]

"Tomorrow is Camilo's gift ceremony." Maribel took a bite of her mother's cooking and smiled.

"And you don't want him to move out?"

"Is that bad Mama?" Maribel asked. "Camilo and I have always down everything but birthdays together and tomorrow he'll get a big fancy room like the rest of you and I'll be alone."

"Well, in a month you will get your own gift and move out too." Julieta cupped Maribel's cheek. "And you and Camilo will still be close. He'll be busy helping the Encanto at first, but then you'll both be helping everyone and fooling around in your free time like always." Maribel nodded.

"I'm still going to miss sharing the nursery with him," Maribel finishes her food and sighs. "But I guess I'd be really excited to get my gift if I was the older one. What do you think his gift will be?"

"Something as special as him," Abuela walks in and smiles at Maribel and Julieta. "What are you doing up, tomorrow is a big day."

"Oh Mama, tomorrow is the first gift ceremony that Maribel will ever see. I doubt she or Camilo remembers Lusia's." Julieta lifted Maribel off the counter as she spoke. "I'm taking her to bed now, no harm done."

"Abuela," Maribel interrupts. "Do you think Camilo's room will be near the nursery?"

"I'm sure Casita won't move Camilo too far away." Abuela smiled at Maribel with all the love in her eyes. "Now get some rest." Nodding, Maribel took her mother's hand and went back to the nursery.

Maribel quietly went to her bed and slipped beneath the covers. Julieta closed the door and Camlio turned on a lamp.

"I thought you were asleep," Maribel whispered.

"Are you okay?" Camilo asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I saw Tia Julieta take you downstairs. You looked upset."

"I'm okay..." Maribel sighed and Camilo got out of bed and hugged his cousin. "I'm just going to miss you." Camilo hugged Maribel tighter.

"Same." Camilo pulled out of the hug. "A lot will be the same though, especially once you get your gift. It'll be different, but we'll be doing the same stuff again and it'll be like nothing changed, except we get cool powers."

"I can't wait." Maribel yawned and Camilo climbed back into his bed. "I just know your gift is going to be amazing, primo." Camilo grinned brightly and reached for the lamp.

"I bet yours is going to be even cooler." With that Camilo turned off the light and the two cousins slept peacefully and dreamed of all the fun things they would do together with all the possible gifts they could receive.

Thanks for reading my first Encanto oneshot. I will always except critic when it comes to the world of Encanto. I am French-Canadian and all I know is what I saw in the movie and what I googled. Anyways I am open to suggestions/prompts. I hope you are having a great day, and if not, I genuinely hope that it gets better for you :) 

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