The Triplets First B-day Without Bruno prt.2 (finale)

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This is the last part everyone. Hope you like it and I hope that your days going at least decently, hopefully better than decently. 

Later that night the party had begun. Both Pepa and Julieta looked perfectly joyful. The act was pretty flawless, but Agustin and Felix saw right through it. Whether Alma could tell was unclear, but if she could it didn't mean a thing to her. The townspeople seemed to be having a blast and so were the kids. Cake was eventually cut, but there was something almost somber with having two figurines on top instead of three. Once the cake was passed around and everyone was holding a plate in their hands, the party drifted to group conversations. One piece of cake was left on a plate on the table. Abuela eyed it for a bit, wondering who would come by and claim it but after a while she stopped silently wondering and spoke up instead.

"I think we forgot to give someone their cake," she said, in an amused tone. "They're probably feeling all left out." The stars disappeared behind grey clouds and Abuela turned to Pepa.

"Pepa, the sky," she warned.

"Mama, no one forgot their cake, Julieta and I left that piece there on purpose."

"Why ever would you do that?" Abuela asked and Julieta tried to relax so she wouldn't come off as too harsh.

"Because it's a slice for Bruno," Julieta answered. Her tone was strong and straightforward. Abuela almost looked disappointed as she starred between her two daughters.

"Mija," Abuela paused. "Pepa, Julieta, this is ridiculous. There is no reason to leave a piece for someone who left the family alone."

"Mama, I don't care if you think it's ridiculous. We cut a slice for him and we'd appreciate it if you'd let it be." Julieta took the plate from her mother and placed it back on the table.

Across the dance floor Maribel adn Camilo asked what Dolores was distracted by and she simply replied.

"Oh, Abuela and our parents are fighting."

"They're what?" Isabela and Luisa shouted together.

Back with the adults, Pepa's personal cloud was growing. Felix wrapped his arm around her shoulders as support, but he knew that nothing was going to calm her down if Alma kept talking. Agustin had his hand on Julieta's shoulder, but it wasn't helping much either.

"I see no reason to waste a perfectly nice piece of cake," Alma continued to argue. "It's foolish to do such a silly thing. What are people going to think if they see that you've left a plate out for someone who abandoned the Encanto?"

"Listen to us Mama, we don't care what people think!" Pepa pleaded. "We didn't even want this party, the least you could do is let this one thing slide!" The clouds finally started to rain and people rushed for cover. Dolores stopped filling in her younger brother and cousins and excused herself from the conversation. While everyone was running inside and while Pepa was desperately mumbling her mantra of 'clear skies,' Dolores went to the table and took Bruno's piece of cake.

Then she ran to a further exit and went straight for the picture frame with the hole behind it. Climbing inside, she slowly made her way to Bruno's main living space. He was sleeping in his chair, his poncho stained with tears and his cheeks were glistening with little wet streaks as well.

"Tio Bruno," Dolores said softly. "Tio Bruno?" She dared to speak a little louder and Bruno woke up with a start.

"Oh, Dolores, you- I wasn't- What are you doing here?" Bruno rushed with his words while wiping his eyes, but it was still clear that he had been crying earlier.

"That's not important." Dolores smiled sadly. She hated thinking about Bruno all alone every day. "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and give you some cake."

"Thank you Dolores." Bruno put on a smile. "This is really sweet of you kiddo."

"Actually I think it'll mean more to you once you hear the whole story." Dolores handed the cake to Bruno and took a seat.

"What do you mean by 'whole story?'" Bruno asked. "You didn't steal someone's piece did you?"

"No." Dolores shook her head with a bright, excited grin. "Mama and Tia Julieta actually put that piece aside for you Tio Bruno. Abuela thought it was sort of silly but they insisted. That piece is for you and is not to be bothered." Bruno stopped eating his cake and stared at Dolores, a different kind of tears forming in his eyes.

"For me?" Bruno mumbled. A slow, small, delicate smile appeared as tears fell happily down his cheeks.

"Yeah, so I guess I did technically steal it, but I stole it so it would actually get to you. I think they'd like that, not that they will know." Dolores nodded. A few tears formed in her own eyes. She was so happy to see Bruno smile, to see how much the little gesture made him feel better and loved again.

"Thank you, thank you so much kiddo." Bruno put his cake down and got up to hug his niece. He held her tightly and smiled. He felt loved. He missed that.

"Happy birthday Tio Bruno."

Probably could have made it one long chapter, but I felt better breaking it up even though this one is quite short. Anyways I absolutely loved writing this request and if anyone else wants to comment one, go for it! Now, as always thanks for reading and have a great day.  

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