Isabela's Gift Ceremony

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(Lusia = 3      Isabela = 5th b-day     Dolores = 4)

Dolores was relieved that Isabela's birthday came before hers. In time of need their family was granted a miracle. Abuela hadn't gained any abilities, but Tia Julieta, Tio Bruno, and Dolores' mom, Pepa had on their fifth birthdays. Today was Isabelle's fifth birthday and there was a lot of pressure on her. No one knew if there would be another generation of gifts. Dolores was wandering around Casita as everyone but Julieta, Bruno and Pepa prepared for the party Abuela had insisted upon. Everyone was in a rush preparing and Dolores was looking for her mom. Stopping outside the kitchen Dolores listened in, she had a bit of a bad habit of eavesdropping.

"Bruno, can't you look into the future?" Julieta asked.

"Mama, forbid it. She thinks if I look into the future it'll ruin it or something. You know, classic Bruno, always making bad things happen," Bruno sighed, and outside the door Dolores frowned. She liked Tio Bruno, he was silly and fun, but whenever he thought she couldn't hear him, he just sounded so defeated and drained.

"You don't make bad things happen, Bruno," Pepa comforted.

"Either way, I'm not going to make Mama mad, she'll know if I go into my room."

"It's okay, Bruno. We understand," Julieta replies. "I'm just so worried about Isabela, Mama is putting all this pressure on her and now with this party. We didn't have some big ceremony. Casita told her how to use the candle to help us get our gifts and it was done. No big audience or anything and we don't even know that Isa will get a gift." The sound of rain began and Dolores knew her mom was stressed.

"Sorry, Julieta," Pepa apologized. "Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies."

"Deep breath," Bruno calmed Pepa. "I'm sure Isa will get a gift."

"I still don't think I'll be able to relax until today is over and done with."

"Well we're here for you sis," Bruno said, and Dolores backed away. She had sensed how on edge her Tio Agustin and the rest of the family had been, but she didn't realize just how worried Tia Julieta was.

Dolores decides to go back to her room, which she shared with both Isabela and Lusia. When she got close to the door, she started to hear yet another intriguing conversation, though this was more of an argument.

"Just leave me alone!" Isabela yells.

"But you're crying, I just want to help. Let me help!" Luisa wailed back.

"I told you already, I want to be alone, this is something you can't help with."

"Why not?"

"Because you're just a little kid, you're not strong enough for this and you can't understand. Now get out!" Isabela screamed and Dolores tumbled backwards as the door swung open and Lusia ran out.

Dolores catches Lusia's arm as she tries to run off. Lusia was clearly upset, and Dolores admitted that Isabela had been a little harsh.

"Lusia, where are you going?"

"Just let go of me!" Lusia shouted back.

"Everyone is really emotional today." Dolores rolled her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Didn't you hear Isabela, I'm not strong enough or something dumb like that!"

"Luisa, it's okay. Isabela is just having a bad day."

"She didn't let me help though, and I just want to be there for her."

"Maybe when you're older, you can, but right now you should go find your dad and tell him that Isa is a little nervous about tonight." Dolores brushed some of Lusia's hair from her face and she went off to find Agustin. With Lusia gone Dolores turned her attention to the sobbing coming from the nursery.

Hesitantly Dolores walked into the nursery and closed the door behind her. Isabela was sitting on her bed, her head resting on her knees as she cried. Dolores went and sat on Isabela's bed. She didn't say anything, she only admired her cousin's beautiful rose growing in the pot on the nightstand. Isabela liked to garden. Dolores had tried it, but it wasn't the same for her. Isabela described gardening as the only way she could relax and calm down, she felt free from expectation. Dolores just found it boring. Isabela was still crying and so Dolores hugged her from behind. Slowly the sobbing slowed to a quiet cry.

"It's going to be okay," Dolores said, just repeating what she heard her mom and Bruno say to Julieta. "You're going to get a gift and be really cool like our moms and Tio Bruno."

"Abuela is acting like she knows I'll get a gift, but even Bruno hasn't had a vision to confirm it. What if I let down the family."

"You can't let the family down, because we just love you Isa." Dolores squeezed her cousin tightly. "It doesn't matter. And you'll always have gardening to relax you." Isabela nodded a little, but she was still upset. Then the door opened and Agustin came in taking Dolores place in comforting Isabela.

Isabela walked up to the door, touched the candle Abuela was holding and then reached for the doorknob. The door materialized with Isabela's name and picture on it. Isabela felt instant relief and joy, which immediately caused flowers to grow around the frame. Dolores smiled and Lusia grinned. Abuela announced the new gift to the rest of the town and people walked into Isabela's room breathing in the smell of endless roses. Isabela looked so happy, flower abilities, she thought that she would be able to garden all day and be happy doing so. What Isabela didn't realize is her favourite pastime was about to become her greatest burden and pressure. She was losing her favourite thing, because now she couldn't just watch things grow and see if they turned out as planned or not, only perfection was expected and wanted. Dolores was right about always having gardening, but it was never the same for Isabela again, not until a certain sister finally helped her confront her truth and burden many, many years later. 

Thank you for reading, I'm going to do Dolores' gift ceremony next. Now I think there is like a canon book that I've heard rumors about, I don't know the details, but I haven't read it so this is separate than that. Finally, please forgive my spelling, I sort of just write this stuff and never read through it so it's likely a mess in some places. Still I hope you enjoyed this story. Have a great day :) 

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