Double Pregnancy

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(Dolores= 6yrs       Isabela=  6yrs      Lusia= 4yrs)

Bruno didn't love his gift, just like Dolores didn't like hers. She had started to become accustomed to the noise of the Encanto, but she was quieter now then she was before. Bruno gave out vision like usual, and was coming back from getting yelled at for telling someone their fish would die. So understandable he was in a bad mood. That is when Pepa waved him over. He thought it odd, but let his sister pull him into her room without a word.

"What do you need?" Bruno asked.

"Well," Pepa said while lifting a piece of paper up. "Could you check for me, and not say a word because I know Dolores is already hearing this."

"You're going to have to get used to that," Bruno added and a cloud formed above Pepa's head. "Sooner rather than later might be best." Bruno grinned at his sister. He was hoping her suspicions were right, because Pepa had just asked him to look into the future to see if she was pregnant or not.

Bruno had done this before, when both his sister's suspected that they were pregnant they'd asked him to look forward just far enough to see if it was true. That way they could still be surprised on the gender and decide what to name their kid. Bruno walked into his room and stared at the many stairs. He still didn't understand why he had to climb a whole freaking mountain just to perform his visions. The miracle really couldn't be troubled to make a ground floor vision cave? Still, Bruno was used to them at this point and so he sprinted up to his tower with a bit of an extra spring in his step. Bruno loved his family and the possibility of another member made him grin. He loved being a Tio. Bruno began his vision and sand swirled up all around him. His eyes glowed green and he saw the future. The vision formed and Bruno took a double take. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Bruno slipped out of his room and ran past the dining room.

"Bruno," Abuela stood up from the table, and Bruno realized that everyone was at the table except Pepa. "Where are you going? We are eating dinner."

"Oh, just vision stuff." Bruno began to walk again, but then he backed up. "Actually Julieta, can you help me quickly?" Julieta shrugged and got off from the table. They walked up to the second level and knocked on Pepa's door. She opened it and rushed them inside.

"Bruno, do you have it? Am I right?" Pepa asked and Bruno smiled, showing the vision to the both of them. Julieta stared at the glowing green vision. Pepa's suspicions were right, she was pregnant, but the vision showed her and Julieta.

"I'm pregnant!?" Julieta gasped. Unable to keep herself quiet. She was completely clueless, happy as the news sunk in but still shocked. " I had absolutely no idea."

Everyone was eating dinner while Felix, Agustin and Abulea kept glancing over their shoulders, wondering what was keeping the triplets. Lusia was talking with Isabella about being allowed to help out with the donkeys that day, and Dolores was just quietly eating her meal with a small smile. Everything was fairly normal, but then Dolores heard Julieta's gasp and dropped her fork in shock. Felix looked at his daughter.


"Tia Julieta is pregnant," Dolores said, happily. Everyone stared at her, not believing what she'd said. Dolores didn't think much of it and went back to eating, swinging her legs back and forth as six-year-olds do. Agustin stared at his niece, jaw basically on the floor. He was completely speechless. Abuela looked at Agustin, then at Felix and back at Dolores. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off.

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Lusia shouted.

"I'm going to have another sibling!" Isabela groaned. "I just started getting used to everything."

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Lusia repeated.

"Dolores, why do you think-"

"Tio Bruno just showed her the vision he walked by with. My mama found out too." Dolores replied, absentmindedly.

"Well everyone knows now, not just your mother." Felix comments and Abuela raises an eyebrow at him. "What, it's true." Felix shrugged. Felix was a lot like his future son Camilo, but Abuela wasn't the biggest fan of how he acted, so Felix changed.

"Julieta is pregnant," Agustin said, finally processing it all. "I'm having another kid!" He jumped up from the table, excited. "I need to find Julieta!"

"In Pepa's room," Doroles answered, taking the last few bites of her food. "Can I be excused now?"

"Ah, yeah..." Felix looked at Abuela as Agustin ran out of the room. "We need to talk about what you hear and what you say." Felix followed his daughter out of the dinning room and Abuela just looked at Isabela and Lusia who were now both on board with the idea.

"Are you excited for the baby, Abuela?" Lusia asked, smiling.

"Of course, it's always a good thing when the family grows." Abuela nodded and Lusia and Isabela ran off to play in the nursery. "They'll be good for the family and that's what matters.

The next morning everyone was celebrating and talking about how soon there would be another Madrigal. The kids were the most excited, all three of them hoping for another girl. Agustin had entered protective, caring, husband mode, and Bruno was still carrying around the vision. Everyone sat down at the table and Abuela stood up to make an announcement.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are so blessed to hear that our family will be expanding once more. Julietta, congratulations." Abuela lifted her glass and Pepa cleared her throat.

"Bruno, why don't you show everyone the vision, now." Pepa smiled and Bruno nodded, lifted it so everyone could see. Shock passed across the family's faces again. Felix grinned and turned to Pepa.

"You're pregnant too, amor?" he asked and Pepa nodded. Immediately Felix jumped up from the table and lifted Pepa up into his arms spinning.

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Dolores shouts, covering her ears as she does.

"We're going to be big sisters!" Lusia exclaims, and all three of the little girls in the family laughed. Felix and Agustin congratulated each other while Abuela smiled to herself. She was happy for her children, but she was also glad for the good two new children would do for the Encanto.

"It's like Isabela and Dolores all over again," Bruno muses. Julieta and Pepa laughed and hugged their brother. It was simply a happy time for the Madrigals. 

I'm going to fail my classes, but here's another chapter anyways. Thanks for reading, and I hope you are all having a great day, if not, as always, I hope it'll get better. :)

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