Aftermath of Maribel's Ceremony

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(Maribel = 5yrs     Camilio = 5yrs      Luisa = 9yrs       Dolores = 11yrs       Isabela = 11yrs)

I talk about Luisa's room in this story so here's some fun concept art to start out... 

Art owned by Disney (I think) 

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Art owned by Disney (I think) 

The door that was meant to be Maribel's faded away. Maribel didn't understand what was happening, she turned to Abuela but she was just as confused. For once all of the Encanto was silent. Dolores wanted to enjoy the moment of near quiet, but she couldn't, not when her youngest cousin was staring teary eyed at everyone. The first Madrigal to be born in the Encanto and have no gift. Julieta's hand floated to cover her mouth and Agustin looked around, hoping the more magical members of the family had answers. Maribel was shaking as she turned to face the audience of people. Her breathing picked up a little and she looked back at Abuela.

"Abuela, Mama, where'd it go? What... wha- what happened?" Maribel whimpered. Everyone was staring at her. She felt like her body was electrified, only the buzzing within her was constant. It was the same fear born energy you have when looking over a cliff, or if you're scared of the dark and the lights go out. Maribel breathing was speeding up more and was beginning to catch and turn to hyperventilating sobs. All Maribel knew was she had to get away. Her bottom lip quivered as she looked at the blank wall where her door should be, then at the crowd and her family, before running back to the nursery. Lusia looked to Isabela and grabbed her sister's hand.

"Come on, we have to find Maribel." Lusia dragged Isabela with her as they ran after their sister. Lusia didn't even knock, she just ran into the nursery. Maribel was sitting in the corner of her bed and sobbing. Lusia let go of Isabela's hand and climbed onto the bed next to her younger sister. Sobs were wracking Maribel's body. She was so overwhelmed and Lusia just wanted to stop her pain. Isabela stood at the door staring at the floor. She wasn't as shaken as everyone else, she didn't know how she felt. Still, she went over to Maribel's bed and hugged her with Lusia as she cried. "I've got you sis," Lusia comforted, holding Maribel as tightly as she dared with her gift as a factor. Lusia had tears in her eyes and Isabela felt empty and conflicted, though she didn't understand yet. So they just stayed there and held their sister, while she cried and cried.

Maribel ran off and her sister's followed. Julieta looked around, all her anxiety and worry that had once been directed over Isabela, and whether or not there would be a second generation of gifts. She had never doubted that Maribel would get a gift, yet here they were. Camilo was the same age as Maribel, he didn't know what to do, all he knew was that this was not right. Maribel deserved a gift, he got one, everyone got one. It didn't make sense. It wasn't fair.

"Dolores? Why... Is Maribel okay?" Camilo asked his older sister. Dolores shook her head. She looked down at Camilo who had tears in his eyes. Him and Mirabel were extremely close, they were more like siblings then she was with him.

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