Bruno leaves

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Here's another part to this, sorry things have slowed down again. I am not in the best head space currently... Heads up this one's a bit longer and I haven't put much effort in it... here you go...

(Maribel = 5yrs Camilio = 5yrs Luisa = 9yrs Dolores = 11yrs Isabela = 11yrs) 

Bruno looked at the vision and processed what he was seeing. Maribel was so nice and sweet. Bruno didn't wait another moment, he dropped the vision and let it shatter. He wasn't going to let Abuela ruin his niece's life. The vision was uncertain, he saw that, but he knew Abuela wouldn't; she would think of the miracle first. Bruno grabbed a bag, some clothing, and a few family pictures. Then he walked across his bridge, and down his many steps. Going into the kitchen Bruno packed some food. He went towards the front door and then stopped. Where was he to go... he couldn't leave his family. He loved them too much. Bruno slid down to the floor and rested his head on his knees. He had no idea what to do.

"Bruno?" Bruno looks up and sees Felix standing in the kitchen. "Are you okay?" Bruno thought about his brother-in-law's question.

"What are you doing up?" Bruno replies.

"I was coming to get a snack." Felix sat down next to Bruno on the floor. "Can you tell me what's got you so down."

"No," Bruno sighs. Felix, like Agustin, were some of his closest friends. Some of Bruno's only friends. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, bro," Felix nudges Bruno. "We're Madrigals, you more than me even, so things will work themselves out."

"Do you think this family..." Bruno stopped himself. Even though he knew how flawed their dynamic was, he still cared for them all a huge amount.


"Nothing." Bruno forced a smile. Then he got up and grabbed his bag.

"What's in the bag?" Felix asked.

"Food, I may be sneaking some extra stuff to my room." Bruno chuckled a little nervously.

"Want to just stay and eat with me?"

"Nah, it's okay." Bruno started walking towards the door.

"Goodnight," Felix said, getting up himself. Bruno paused. He still had to leave.

"Goodnight." Bruno nodded before leaving.

Bruno started heading for the front door again when Casita suddenly pushed him back. Bruno took a breath and stood back up. He was frustrated with Casita for not giving Maribel a gift, for giving him his. Now he wasn't allowed to leave to protect his niece. Casita,'s floorboards began to move in an odd way, almost leading him somewhere. Bruno looked at the front door and thought about huge mountains surrounding the Encanto. Then he swallowed his pride and followed the moving floorboards. They stopped abruptly in the hallway and Bruno sighed. He was about to leave again, when he saw a rat climb behind a picture frame. Bruno slowly followed and found a small back room hidden in the walls. Bruno started to think about things. He could expand it and make a network of tunnels and rooms in the walls. That way he wouldn't have to leave his family. Bruno threw his bag into the hidden room and went to check on his last loose end.

Bruno knocked on Dolores door and a moment later she opened it. Bruno smiled down at the kid. She was in her pajamas and her hair was down. It was clear he had caught her just before she went to sleep.

"Hey, kiddo," Bruno greeted, walking into Dolores' room. He didn't want to have this conversation. Dolores was only 11 years old and he didn't want to force this time of secret on her, but he wanted to still be close to those he loved.

Encanto: Family Madrigal One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now