Luisa's Badly Injured prt.1

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(Maribel = 13 Camilio =13 Luisa = 17yrs Dolores = 19yrs Isabela = 19yrs Antonio=3yrs)

I nearly forgot that Antonio was around by this point, whoops 😅

Luisa was the strength of the family. She proudly held the title of protector, and loved how much she was able to help everyone. However, something Luisa particularly liked about her gift was that she was too busy to have any time to really think. No time to dwindle on just how much was expected of her. Luisa got up to fulfill her regular schedule. She had breakfast with the family, located all the escaped donkeys and returned them home then she went around town helping people. A little after noon Maribel came by with a packed lunch from Julieta. Sometimes Dolores helped out, but she mainly stayed with Abuela so she could know what was going on in the Encanto.

"Here's your lunch Luisa," Maribel chirped, taking a bag from her basket. "Mama made your favourite today."

"Thanks Maribel, how are you doing?" Luisa asked, opening her lunch with a smile.

"Just trying to make the family proud and all." Maribel grinned. "Do you like the new butterfly I added to this blouse?"

"Yeah," Luisa replied.

"Anyways, I'm doing something for Abuela with Mama tonight so I can't linger. Got to finish delivering these." Maribel lifted up her basket and headed out to the fields where Isabela was. Luisa ate her lunch and then someone asked Luisa to help out with a task on the edge of town.

Luisa was asked to help get some boxes out of the building. Apparently, the building was close to falling apart, but the owner wanted the family heirlooms that he had stored inside. Luisa didn't mind, she was always happy to help, but standing outside the building Luisa lost a little confidence. The building was littler crumpling apart with the light wind. Cracks covered every wall from corner to corner and top to bottom. Luisa wasn't going to back down though. If she didn't help out, she would be letting the family down and she couldn't do that. Taking a deep breath Luisa walked up to the house and reached for the doorknob. When the door opened debris fell from the upper level and Luisa dodged to the side.

"That's not good," Luisa mumbled to herself. "I can handle it though." Her own reassurance did almost nothing, but she entered the house nonetheless. The whole structure seemed to creak with each step Luisa took and with each step Luisa became more and more nervous. Luisa climbed the stairs, careful to step around the missing parts of the steps. Once on the top floor Luisa picked up all the boxes she could find, stacking them on each other, so she wouldn't have re-enter the dangerous structure. Halfway down the stairs Luisa lost her footing and fell.

All the boxes flew from her hands and crashed to the floor with the sound of shattering pottery and glass. Luisa tumbled to the base of the steps and landed on a piece of cement that had fallen broken off from the roof. Luisa cried out as she hit it, knowing that some of her ribs were certainly broken. Luisa re-adjusted her position and laid on her back beside the piece that had injured her. Then she spoke aloud.

"Dolores, I'm okay, don't tell Abuela." Luisa was finding that each breath was agony and her breathing was off and shaky. She knew her cousin would have heard her cry out and if she was near Abuela, she would have been told immediately. Luisa knew she wasn't fine, but she didn't want to appear weak. Although she knew her injuries were severe, Luisa also knew it wasn't too long before dinner and her mother's cooking would heal her instantly. Everything would be fine. Luisa pulled herself up, hoping her cousin heeded her words. Every movement hurt, but Luisa pushed through until she was standing up. Her shoulder was dislocated, but irresponsibly she went out of the house and slammed it into a tree to get it back in place. Luisa's eyes filled with tears and she noticed the cuts and blood on her arms. The broken heirlooms had done some damage as well. Luisa knew she couldn't really sense Dolores, yet she felt as though she could feel Dolores' nervous energy from across the Encanto.

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