'Seven Foot Frame' line Origin Story

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Ugh, life is so complicated and emotionally draining.  Hopefully this won't drain any of you cause I'm sort of tired after writing this, but that's probably cause it's 1:49am, yay!

(Maribel = 6yrs           Camilio = 6yrs(almost 7)            Luisa = 11yrs             Dolores = 13yrs    Isabela = 13yrs)

Bruno had been gone for almost two years now and it was just a couple days before Camilo's 7th birthday. Camilo was waiting in his room for it to be late. He wanted to make sure no one was going to be awake when he snuck down to the kitchen. He knew his Tia Julieta had made a sample cake for his parents to pick from and he wanted a piece. Finally deciding that it was late enough, Camilo quietly slipped out of his room. While making his way towards the staircase he knocked over a flower pot and Abuela's door opened up. Thinking fast and a little selfishly, Camilo transformed into Maribel. Abuela looked down at her grandchild, who in the moment she believed was her youngest grand-daughter and not mischievous Camilo using his gift.

"Maribel, what are you doing?" Abuela demanded.

"I'm sorry, I was just going to get some water."

"In the kitchen where your cousin's cakes are?" Abuela continued to pry. "My goodness Maribel, go back to bed right now. Your birthday will come soon enough, it's not my fault you refused to celebrate last year. If you want a party talk to your mother... in the morning."

"Yes, Abuela," Camilo continued to mimic, turning around and heading into the nursery. Maribel was luckily fast asleep so he wasn't caught in his little fib. Camilo waited for Abuela to go back to bed, but as he sat on the floor of the nursery he thought about what had happened. He remembered that Maribel didn't celebrate her birthday last year, but he didn't know the family wasn't planning anything. He certainly thought they were. Just because she was sad last year doesn't mean she'll never be excited for a birthday again... Camilo looked at his slumbering cousin and frowned. He would have to ask for a party on her behalf tomorrow. He didn't need to ask Mariabel how she felt, they had been bugging each other over revealing plans for a while now. If he asked for the party, his prima would never have to know that the family wasn't planning on one to begin with.

After Camilo thought enough time had passed, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, got up, and headed down the stairs. He was going to get that cake. He didn't care how late it was. Nothing was stopping him from his midnight snack. As Camilo turned into the kitchen he froze. It was dark but he saw the tall figure glowering down at him with slightly glowing green eyes. The silhouettes of rats appeared on his shoulder and upper back. Camilo recognized the form of his long gone Tio Bruno... only he didn't remember him being so-

"Camilo?" Bruno exclaimed, caught off guard. Camilo looked up at his uncle, eyes unbelievably wide as fear and exhaustion got the best of him and he passed out. "Camilo!"


Bruno saw his young nephew looking up at him. He was immediately shaken, he hadn't come face to face with anyone except Dolores in almost 2 years. Seeing Camilo surprised him to say the least.

"Camilio?" Bruno couldn't help but blurt out his off guard response. His mind was racing, he was found out, the family was going to find out. Bruno felt like he was screwed, but then he saw Camilo pass out and collapse to the floor and his panicked thoughts fell away as his concern for his nephew took priority. "Camilo!" Jumping down off the counter, Bruno ran to Camilo's side and knelt down. He wasn't sure exactly what to do, but he knew that only Julieta's cooking could help. Carefully, Bruno lifted Camilo into his arms and took him up to his room. Bruno laid him down in bed and tried to ignore all the mirrors that lined the walls, he was never a fan of that part of Camilo's room. Then Bruno did the only thing he could think of and he went and knocked on Dolores' door.

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