Dolores' Gift Ceremony

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Here's another long one... (sorry)   Lusia = 3yrs    Isabela = 5 yrs     Dolores = 4yrs/5yrs (b-day) 

Dolores was happy for Isabela, even though they hadn't been able to spend much time together since. Isabela was busy growing flowers all over town with Abuela, and since she moved out it was just Dolores and Lusia in the nursery now. However, that was going to change. Dolores' fifth birthday was tomorrow and she was happily looking forward to getting her gift. She didn't have the same weight on her ceremony that Isabela did, so she could actually be excited instead of terrified. Dolores knew that she didn't get to pick her gift but she secretly was hoping for something related to music. She had been learning the tiple and loving every moment of it. Dolores wanted to learn more instruments, she wanted to play for the town. That is why she hoped her gift would allow her to expand on her musical abilities.

Dolores played something on her tiple and Lusia clapped. Dolores smiled proudly. She put her instrument down and hugged Lusia, pulling her onto the floor with her and Lusia laughed in her ear.

"You excited to have this room all to yourself?"

"I much rather share it with you guys. It hasn't been the same since Isa moved out." Lusia looked up at Dolores who smiled back at her younger cousin.

"Well, it's still a ways off, but you'll be five before you know it and then you'll have a gift like Isa and me."

"You don't have a gift yet."

"Yeah, but I know I'll love it." Dolores was so confident as she stared at her instrument. Isabela got a flower gift, it seemed logical to assume her hopes would become reality. The majority of the gifts in the past supported her hypothesis. Julieta loved to cook and now her cooking heals people. Bruno was apparently always worried about the future, now he can see it. Dolores' mom's gift didn't back up her theory, but she was still certain that her gift would be perfect and just as special as her.

Dolores changed into her white outfit and sat on her bed waiting. Soon Abuela came in and explained the story of the miracle to Dolores. Of course she'd heard it before, but from her parents not from Abuela. She only told the story to you once. It was too painful for her to do otherwise. Once finished, Abuela took Dolores down to the ceremony. Pepa and Felix were waiting for their little girl. Dolores ran to them and Felix lifted her up in a bear hug.

"You ready, Dolores?" Felix asked, setting his daughter down once more. She nodded in response as Pepa knelt down and kissed Dolores' forehead.

"We'll be waiting by your door," Pepa promised, before she and her husband left. Dolores took a couple deep breaths. She was going to touch her door, receive her gift and then watch the fireworks in the sky. There was going to be a party and if she got what she hoped, a chance to show off her music.

Dolores grinned at Abuela as she placed her hands on the candle and promised to make her family proud. Jittery with excitement, Dolores touched the doorknob and watched as a picture formed, carved in wood. She noticed her wooden mirror image cupping her ear and for a split second Dolores thought that it could only mean her gift was music... Then the fireworks went off. The first loud boom seemed closer than it should. The crowd applauded and it sounded like every noise was being directly yelled into her ears. Dolores' joy flashed to pain as she screamed, covering her ears. Dolores fell to the floor, trying to block out the unbearably loud sounds coming from all of Encanto. She was so overwhelmed that she just lay on the floor at the foot of her door, covering her ears and keeping her eyes shut tightly.

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