Luisa's Badly Injured prt.2 (finale)

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This is the second part so please read the first part for context. I promise it's just as much of a meh, read as this one, lol

Dolores ran up to check on her cousin, she was silently panicking with worry. Camilo wasn't blind. He glanced at the still downcast Maribel and sighed. He'd have to check on her later. Something was going on with his sister and Luisa that seemed more urgent. Camilo started to head for the stairs when his little brother called out his name.

"Camilo, where are you going, you promised to play with me!" Antonia whined. Camilo sighed, he knew he was stretching himself thin.

"Can you go find Maribel, I have to talk with Dolores about something really important." Antonio frowned and Camilo felt even worse. He chose to transform into Maribel. "Come on, aren't I your favourite cousin?" Camilo joked as Maribel. Antonio smiled a little but he still wasn't particularly excited. "Look, Maribel could use some cheering up and hanging you would certainly do the trick. Can you help her out?"

"Okay, but you have to play with me tomorrow, your impressions are always so funny." Antonio smiled as Camilo ruffled his hair. Then after Antonio skipped off Camilo went up to Lusia's room.

Camilo knocked and then heard Dolores invite him in instead of Luisa. Without another moment's hesitation, Camilo slipped inside. He turned towards his sister and cousin only to see that she was no longer wearing a sweater and that her arms were wrapped with bandages. Her expression clearly told the young shapeshifter that his basically indestructible cousin was in a lot of pain.

"What happened?" he asked innocently. Dolores shot Camilo a look and he stared back. "What? I can't ask what's happening? This is not normal every night stuff."

"Everything's fine Camilo, just go play with Antonio," Luisa brushed off his question.

"He's with Maribel, now explain."

"Luisa got hurt and we thought it would be fine after dinner but-"

"Maribel made dinner," Camilo said, cutting off Dolores. "You needed Tia Julieta's cooking to heal you, but the one night you really need it, Maribel's the one who cooks." Camilo sighed, this was complicated.

"And now, we have to tell Abuela because Luisa needs to be healed, and quickly, she is not okay." Dolores started to head for the door, but Camilo stopped her.

"You can't go tell Abuela. You heard her at dinner, Maribel worked so hard and still sort of got lectured, if we tell her this Maribel will be seriously scolded and she doesn't deserve that." Camilo looked between his two family members. "No, we have to come up with something else."

"I don't think you're understanding, Camilo," Dolores continues. "Luisa is really hurt, like I think she needs immediate help and if we didn't have magic I think things would end really badly. We need to get Julieta."

"What if we fake an injury now?" Camilo shrugs.

"Wouldn't that still get Maribel in trouble?" Luisa asked worriedly.

"Not nearly as much, but it wouldn't work because Luisa is clearly hurt and this is a 'house collapsing on you' type of injury, not a 'I fell down the stairs' sort of thing. Julieta would know."

"Come on Dolores, we're smart, we can figure this out," Camilo insisted. Dolores was about to argue more when she had an idea.

"Maybe we can work this out. Camilo, fake some injury in like 15 minutes. Luisa, stay here, everything will work itself out soon enough." Dolores didn't give anymore of an explanation before she darted out of Luisa's door.

Dolores was thankful that not too many people were around because it allowed her to easily slip into the walls where her Tio Bruno resided. She was going to need his help and he was a master at stealing food from the kitchen.

"Tio Bruno," Dolores whisper-called. Dolores heard him stubble about in his main-ish room and so she made her way over there.

"Dolores, what are you doing here?"

"I need your help Tio Bruno. You don't happen to have any of Julieta's cooking, do you?"

"No, sorry. I had some of Maribel's cooking though, wasn't it just wonderful?" Bruno smiled warmly, taking a bite of some of the night's leftovers.

"Well, I need your help stealing some of Julieta's cooking," Dolores began to explain. "It's a long story that I'll tell you another time, but right now can you just help me out?" Bruno nodded. Dolores relaxed a little, there was hope for their overly complicated plan after all.

Camilo didn't want to cause a fuss so he waited until Dolores gave him the thumbs up and then he waited until Julieta was nearby and shape-shifted mid step, causing him to fall. Camilo knew he'd be a little banged up but it wouldn't be anything too bad.

"Camilo!" Pepa shouted and he transformed back at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm okay, Mama, just wasn't thinking." Camilo stood up and brushed off his clothes. He pretended to wince and then he held his wrist. It honestly didn't hurt, but he needed a good reason for Julieta to cook some healing food.

"It looks like you hurt your wrist, come on Camilo, let's get you something to eat." Julieta dragged Camilo into the kitchen while Pepa rolled her eyes at the incident and scolded Camilo for not watching his step. Dolores leaned on the rail and grinned. She waited until she heard that Julieta had finished cooking up the food and called for the group. They all came out of the kitchen, Camilo snacking on some of Julieta's cooking.
"What is it, Dolores?" Pepa asked. Dolores tilted her head pretending she was listening to something specific.

"Oh, nevermind Mama, I thought there was a problem that needed our help but it sounds like it worked itself out." Dolores lied, heading back to Bruno's picture frame. Julieta shook her head and they all went abc into the kitchen. Then Julieta waited until her amazing uncle handed her the magical food. Dolores then went straight to Luisa's room.

Dolores walked into Luisa's room and became worried when she saw her cousin passed out on her bed. In a hurry, Dolores ran to Luisa and shook her awake. Luisa instantly winced and groaned.

"Please, just take one bite and you'll be better." Dolores handed the Arepas con Queso to Lusia who barely managed to take a bite, but then a moment later she sat up and took a deep, un-impaired breath. "Oh, thank the Encanto."

"You girls alright?" Camilo said, entering the room as well.

"110% now," Luisa flexed her muscles with a grin.

"Hey, sis, how did you get the food when you were upstairs?" Camilo asked, more curious than suspicious.

"I have my ways Camilo," Dolores said, leaving the mystery perplexing the two. Dolores started to head for the door but she paused. "I'm really glad you're okay Luisa, but next time I'm telling Abuela... no matter what you say." Camilo snickered and nodded in agreement. No one should mess with Dolores. Dolores and Camilo left Luisa to get some rest. Outside the two siblings watched Antonio and Maribel play and they couldn't help but smile. They loved their family, even if it was complicated on occasion. 

 Well, I think that this story probably didn't even have to be two parts, but here you go anyways. Hope you enjoyed reading it and remember I do take requests. Also tell me if you like these types of stories or more fun ones that are less dramatic. Have a great day! 

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