Pepa's Pregnant (Antonio's on the way)

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(Julieta = 45yrs, Pepa = 45yrs, Felix = 45yrs?)

Happy to do another part if it's requested, I might do another part even if it isn't. 

Julieta woke up expecting a sunny day, but instead she looked out the window and found it to be pouring rain. This meant two things, Pepa was about to get an unhelpful lecture from their Mama, and that Pepa was upset. Julieta got ready and immediately went to find her sister. Her and Bruno used to comfort Pepa when she was upset, but since she married Felix the job had fallen more to him. Now Bruno was gone and it was clear that Felix wasn't able to help with the current problem whatever it was. Julieta made her way over to her sister's room and was surprised to find Felix sitting on the stairs.

"Felix? Is everything okay?" Julieta asked, delicately. "Do you know what's wrong with Pepa?"

"I have no idea, she won't talk to me, she's in a- well, a thundery mood," Felix replied, gesturing towards the sky. "I tried to help, but she won't tell me what's bothering her."

"If you can get breakfast started, I'll try and calm her down."

"Alright, Julieta. Tell me when Pepa is feeling less lightning strike to the face type of mood." Felix chuckled to himself.

"I think the sky will tell you that." Julieta smiled at her brother-in-law and walked up to her sister's door.

"Pepa, it's Julieta. Can I come in?" Julieta knocked on her sister's glowing door and it immediately opened as she was dragged inside. Once Pepa closed the door she began to pace again, a cloud trailing above her. She was mumbling to herself and then saying louder that Dolores was not to repeat their words. "What's the matter?"

"I don't want to say," Pepa at last mumbled something clear enough to be understood.

"Pepa, Dolores knows what to keep to herself. Please just talk to me." Julieta stepped in the way of Pepa's pacing and placed her hands on her sister's shoulders. Of course this meant she was getting rained on, but Julieta didn't care. She just wanted to know what had made her sister so upset. "Did something happen?"

"That's part of the problem," Pepa groans, pulling away and plopping down on her bed. "I can't be sure, and I'm not sure if I even want to be sure, but I know that I was to know for sure." Julieta stared at her sister and shook her head. She was no closer to understanding.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Julieta went to sit next to her sister.

"I don't know, I think I'm wrong." Pepa stood up abruptly and left Julieta sitting alone.

"Okay, listen." Julieta wasn't going to run around in circles for hours without answers. She needed Pepa to get to the point. "What do you think you're wrong about."

"I think I'm pregnant." Pepa stops moving around and the only motion in the room is the rain pouring down on the two sister's heads. Julieta couldn't believe what she was hearing. Pepa was 45 years old. Julieta would expect her to be going through menopause before she even considered another child. It was so late in life, it was risky.

"You think you're pregnant." Julita finally broke the silence.

"Yes." Pepa answered.

"But you're not certain."


"You really think you're pregnant?"

"I'm pretty sure but-"

"But not completely sure. Because we were only ever sure because Bruno told us if we were right, and now there's no way to know if it's true. If you even want to know."

"I think I want to know, more than I want to not be sure."

"But there's still no way to be certain without Bruno..." The room drifted back into silence. Julieta was unsure what to add. Bruno was gone, she had spoken the truth. He was dearly missed always, but now, in this situation, Julieta wished her brother could provide the answers they seeked. "Do you want to tell Felix?" Julieta said, trying to think of anything to fill the quiet void.

"I want to know first."

"That may not be possible..." Julieta sighed. "What even makes you think that you're pregnant?"

"Well, Luisa was complaining about her and Isabella's periods being synced and then Abuela congratulated me on learning to control the rain when the time of month in question hits... That's when I realized. I'm late."

"How late?"

"7 weeks."

"Pepa!" Julieta exclaimed. "Did you not notice or did you think you were going through menopause-"

"I was just so busy and it hadn't occurred to me that I was missing those days of misery, I was just obliviously happy to not have to deal with it. Then I realized just how long I haven't had to deal with it!"

"Are there any other signs-"

"I'm certainly experiencing pregnancy symptoms. It just never crossed my mind that I could be pregnant now, I mean, Camilo just turned 10!"

"Take a breath Pepa," Julieta calmed, although she felt like she needed to calm down herself. "This is going to be fine."

"Isn't it risky at this age?" Pepa asked a real question.

"I mean, usually yes..." Julieta thought to herself for a moment and hoped her reasoning was sound as she began to speak again. "But perhaps my cooking will cancel out siad risk... maybe it's just a risk when magic isn't involved. That sounds right to me."

"Okay, so it isn't a risk... it's still a lot to take in." Pepa fell back onto her bed.

"I think you're sure." Julieta hugs her sister. "Are you happy about it?"

"I'm shocked." Pepa smiled nervously. "I just didn't see this coming."

"No one could have." Julieta tucked some strands of hair behind Pepa's ear.

"Bruno could have." Pepa wasn't cold with her words, more detached than anything. They both knew that Abuela preferred not to hear about their brother. Not since he left. "I wish he was here."

"To confirm it and prove that everything will turn out alright?" Julieta questioned.

"No, I just wish he was here," Pepa admitted and she leaned even more into Julieta's embrace. The two sister's sat there silently missing their third.

I'm most likely going to be writing a part two, it all depends on timing. I have some big things coming up that will interfere with Wattpad things. So if it doesn't show up in the next week it'll probably be a long time before part two, that or I may do it sooner if there's a request. Otherwise it'll either be coming very shortly or not for a long, long time. 

Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you're having a great day, and if you aren't hope this brighten it and that your day gets better very soon. Till whenever next time is... :) 

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