How Julieta met Agustin

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This is sorta shit so you've been warned. Still hope that some people enjoy it though. 

Julieta had been happily using her gift for years now and she'd met almost everyone in town on one occasion or another. She loved her work. She got to bake all day long and help out those in need. Little did she know that there was one particular boy who she had yet to treat, but seriously needed to meet. [I know that's a horrible accidental rhyme, sorry] Every day Julieta would appear in the center of town with her cart and people would line up for her magic cooking. Alma would circle about, checking on each of her three children throughout the day, but mostly leaving them to work on their own, now that they were well into their teens. Two boys watched Julieta set up her cart and the line pile up.

"You should go talk to her."

"No, no, no, no, no-"

"Then can we at least go see Pepa?"

"Today's when she waters the fields."


"So, we'll get soaked."

"I don't care, it's not her fault that the rain follows her around."

"We'll see her tomorrow Felix."

"And stand awkwardly around the corner from Julieta all day today then?" Felix questioned Agustin with a smug smile. "Those bee stings of yours still haven't healed. Some Arepas con Queso would really help you." Agustin groaned and slouched against the wall. "Okay, okay, man, I'm okay with this too." Felix smiled and patted his friend on his back. Julieta had a couple patients in the early morning, but the line quickly disappeared. No one was around and Julieta was slightly bored. She leaned against the edge of her cart and stared up at the sky. It was a beautifully clear day, something Julieta always liked to see. It meant her sister was happy. Agustin looked at Julieta, he liked her, but he didn't want to bother her with his problems. She already did so much for the Encanto, he didn't want to burden her anymore.

Julieta was thinking about heading back to Casita because if there was any huge emergency she would be fetched. With a sigh, Julieta began packing up and then something caught her attention, because she thought she spotted a boy peeking in her direction from behind that nearby building. Julieta turned and calmly walked over to find her sister's friend, Felix and Agustin, who rarely was seen about. Agustin stumbled back, surprised and ran into the wall. Julieta's hands quickly covered her mouth and Felix face palmed while shaking his head.

"Are you alright?" Julieta offered her hand to Agustin who was sitting on the ground, holding his head.

"He's fine," Felix chuckled, helping his accident prone friend up. "He's always been a tad clumsy and all."

"Well he couldn't be too clumsy or else I think he would have tried my cooking." Julieta smiled. "Come on A- it's Agustin, right?" Felix nudged Agustin and he nodded. "Okay then, let's get you something to eat." Julieta beckoned the two boys after her as she walked back to her cart. Felix and Agustin followed, Felix delighted about the situation, Agustin a little more nervous. Julieta turns back to hand some Arepas con Queso to Agustin and pauses. "Are those bee stings?" Julieta asks, staring at the stings on Agustin's hand.

"Ah, yes, I'm fine." Agustin grinned at Julieta and Felix's face lit up. HIs friend was finally talking to Julieta. "Truly, they don't bother me at all."

"Why didn't you come to me? What if you'd been allergic."

"Oh, Agustin's been stung before. Like I said, he's accident prone." Felix shrugged. Julieta stared between the two boys.

"Well that makes even less sense. Have you just suffered all this time?" Julieta was extremely perplexed. People came to her with the simplest of injuries, even paper cuts wandered her way for healing. "Everyone comes to me when they're hurt. Why haven't you Agustin?"

"You do so much, I didn't want to bother you." Agustin rubs his arm and stares at his feet. "And I get by just fine."

"But it would be better if you just ate my cooking, I promise it's not that bad. I've had tons of practice." Julieta handed over some Arepas con Queso and Agustin immediately nibbled on it and complimented her cooking. "See I told you," Julieta laughed lightly. Agustin blushed.

"I'm going to see Pepa, you two talk." Felix winked at Agustin who just shook his head. Felix dashed off quickly though. Julieta turned to Agustin and sat on the ground, tapping a spot beside her. Agustin sat down, his face bright red.

"You look sunburnt, here, have another." Julieta handed over more of her cooking but when his flushed face didn't change, Julieta's eyes lit up and she blushed. "Not a sunburn. My mistake." Julieta then sparked a conversation with Agustin and although he was still shy, she started to like him more and more. No one in town ever seemed to think of her, but this boy, this sweet and accident prone boy cared. 

Totally a short one, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing... especially with how this story went😅 Hope you are all having a great day. Finally, thank you for reading. 

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