Chapter 5

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"So what do you think sweetie?" Felicity held up a short party dress that was a pale pink.

"No! Not pretty enough. It needs to be amazing." William shook his head at it while looking disgusted.

"And why is that?"

"Cause you are amazing and the dress needs to be too so it will fit you."

"Sweetie this is a nice dress."

"Not pretty."

"Well it is."

"But we can find a better one. Daddy said I needed to help you find the best dress and that's not it."

"Okay sweetie." Felicity smiled as she continued to look, seeing Oliver's determination on the young boy.

A few minutes later she had looked through that entire rack and moved on to the next one.

"Mommy can I ask you something?"

"Sure sweetie."

"Well Thea said that you and dad knew each other for years before you started kissing."

"That's right."

"Did you know dad before he went away?"

"No sweetie. When your dad went away I was at school. College."

"Oh MIT Class of 2009."

Felicity giggled as he mimicked her proud announcement. "Exactly sweetie. I met your dad when he brought his broken laptop into my office at Queen Consolidated almost four years ago. He needed my help with it."

"Because you're the bestest with them."

"Yep. But it's best." She grinned down at him over her shoulder while gazing over more dresses. She found a deep blue gown and held it out for William to look at. He looked at it as if considering it. "Want me to try it on?"

"Yeah. But we need a couple more first."

"Okay." She keeps looking for more after pulling the gown and handing it to an attendant who was helping them shop. "Anyway. He told me he broke it by spilling a latte on it, which was a lie. And I saw right through him. I made him smile and helped him. So later when he needed help with other stuff dealing with computers he always came back to see me. Then one night he was at QC and so was I, working late on a project. He had been talking to his mommy and he got hurt."

"Was he okay?"

"He was later but he found me and I got him help. After that we became good friends."

"Best friends?"

Felicity considered the question for a few moments. She pulled a deep red chiffon dress with crystal beading on the chest. William bobbed his head from side to side again, undecided on it. She pulled it to try it on as well.

"Yeah I would say we became best friends."

"Is that why you worked for dad?"

"He became CEO, he was scared and nervous so I worked with him to make sure he did a good job."

"Did you like working for dad?"

"At first not really. But I saw all the good he wanted to do. For the company and the city. I saw how much he cared. That's when I knew I was helping to make a difference."

William held up the skirt of a pretty black high waisted chiffon dress with a white and black lace bust. He looked as if he was trying to see if it would be nice but wasn't sure. She pulled it as well.

"Is that when you fell in love with dad?"

"Yeah. He was very charming and caring. He was sweet and funny but he didn't know it. He was kind and always wanted to make sure me and Diggie were safe. He worried about us and Thea and his mom and so many other people before himself. He was always willing to listen to me babble."

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