Before I make a new post

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Quick Update and acknowledgements. 

             So there is just a few things I wanted to say before I add any more posts to my blog. 

              First, I will be writing about a lot of different topics. Please now that I am not telling anyone what to do. This is what I will be doing. I will be taking a topic such as nursing or bottle feeding for example. Once I establish a topic, this is how I plan to go about it. I will make a little intro, talk about it for a bit, share my personal experience, and then try to find a biblical approach to the subject. That is it. I am not offering unwelcome critism or telling anyone how to parent. That is not my job. That is God's job and your job. I can just tell you what worked for me and go from there. 

            If you are not a Christian you do not have to take the biblical approach yet. One thing I learned is that I can not force Jesus into anyone life. Only Jesus and the holy spirt can. What I can do is share Jesus, know Jesus and witness what he is doing in my life and in the world around me. Thats it. 

           Another warning some topics will be lighthearted and fun! Others will be more serious. I dont have all the answers. Hell, I probably dont have most of the answers and that is okay. I will try to be as honest as I can in my posts. But I wont get it right all the time. If I dont get something right feel free to correct me. If I have sinned while I made a post feel free to tell me. If you are confused ask me what I mean. With communication I think there will be a lot more clarity. 

          Again please have grace on me as I am new to a lot of things. Before we continue, I want say a few acknowledgements. First, thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For without him this blog would not even be possible. Second, thank you to my little family. My husband who has been such a big encouragement and my little girl who is such a joy to be a mommy to. Third, to my friends, family, and church community who have been a big encouragement not only in my walk with God but in my everyday life. Third, to my therapist who has been such a big help during and after my pregnancy's. Finally, I am going to give myself a pat on the back as well. I am not taking all the credit and the glory. That goes to God. But with his help and guidance I know I have come a long way from where I was several years ago! Thank and praise God for that!

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