Newly Married

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Genesis 2:18 Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."

              This is a place where I want to be honest about my experiences. Even though I am a Christian, my husband and I did not wait until marriage. We thought that since we were committed to one other it was okay. We now realize why the Bible says one man and one woman in a covenant of marriage. It can effect you phytologically in ways you cant even imagine if have multiple partners.

Husband and Wife 

            I first started talking to Dan online back in November of 2018. Because I was back home for the holidays and so was he, we didn't meet until the start of 2019. When I first saw him I wasn't sure what to think. He was easy to talk to but I think his online pictures threw me for a moment. However, I had to spend more time with him because when he was taking me to the parking garage to get my car I went in the wrong door and I couldn't find it. The poor man had to help out a stranger in need. 

           After that moment we spent a lot of time together but I still wasn't sure about an actually relationship. I was hurt by numerous guys. Some by my own choices others by theirs. For a moment I feel into an old pattern of behavior and just slept with someone else. Dan thought we were in a relationship. I didn't think it was official. I almost lost him. I remember it took a sincere apology and a long talk with him before he gave me another chance. He told me this right before we officially started dating and my life has never been the same since. 

           Dan said, " Anna, aren't you tired of what you are doing. Don't you want something more out of life? Dont you want a husband? A family?"

          I did. But I was scared. His word remind me now of John 10:10:

           "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." 

             My life and my choices were like the thief. It was destroying my life and my happiness. God brought Dan into my life so I could be reminded where the true joy comes from. I finally said yes to being Dan's girlfriend. Early on we talked about marriage and I knew that he was the one for me. Almost a year after dating we got engaged. We changed our wedding plans at least three times due to life circumstances. But that time showed me what it truly means for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health. In good times and bad. Till death due us part. Saying I do to Dan was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And I know now it was a gift from God.

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