How I saw God in Dos Orguitas scene in Encanto part 2

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     This is my final post on Encanto. Dos Orguitas is without a doubt such a sad scene but I saw quite a bit of God and symbolism in it. So lets go! 

                 Dos Orguitas is one of the final scenes in Encanto. After the house gets cracked and the magic is destroyed Abulea and Mirabelle sat down and talked. The grandma finally explained her story more in depth about how she met her husband and fell in love. It seemed like everything was perfect. But the world is not always that way. Due to other peoples sin it can cause grief and heart ache to others. 

      James   4:17 says- So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.  I think the people who destroyed the town and lit it on fire knew deep down it was wrong. Or maybe they didn't. Either way, whether they knew it or not it was a sin. Doing harm to others intently is not okay. So it forced Pedro and Alma out of their home with their newborn triplets. The Spaniards ( I think that was who it was) followed them. While everyone was running for their lives, Pedro made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave his life so everyone else could live. Jesus did the same with us. He died so that we may life. Because of Pedro's sacrifice Alma was given a gift.  After Jesus died we were given a gift. The power of the holy spirit. 

      I think it is so cool that I can see all that now that I am studying the bible now. Anyway, there two more aspect of biblical principles in this scene.  Recognition and Redemption. Let me explain real quick. When a person has something that is so special and important they will do anything to keep. A lot of it is driven by fear. Which Alma was driven by fear. It was to the point that she drove her granddaughter out and her son because she was afraid to loose it. She apologized for her sin and wrongdoings. Instead of getting angry Mirabelle comes from a place of love and grace. Once Mirabelle saw things through her grandmas perspective she understood her better. She reassured her grandmother that everything is okay and that it can be fixed if they stick together as a family. The grandmother then said something sweet that caused Mirabelle to cry. After they hug, butterflies fly showing a change and how they are free from the chains that held them down. Such a beautiful story about how God's grace, love, and redemption can provide healing in a persons life. 


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