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We are expecting! 

"We're all God's children, after all, and the scripture has plenty to say about the subject." Pulled from a website that has 20 bible verses about children and parenting.

         As I said in my bio my husband and I have a one month old daughter, Savanna. Couples have kids at all different stages of life in all different ways. Some have kids right away, some wait, others adopt and foster, some struggle to have kids (my heart breaks for them if they want kids). Some don't even want kids. 

        No matter what the situation is, " Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." (Psalm 127:3). Which area do we fall under? Haha. Well, Dan and I were not even married a month before we were pregnant with Savanna. To understand the whole story I need to be vulnerable and honest. 

         I personally did not wait for marriage to have sex. Knowing what I know now I wish I would have. I can't go back and change it. But I can learn from it. Looking back I can see God's grace and hand protecting me since I lost my virginity. I had multiple pregnancy scares in the last six years. Every test came back negative ( thank and praise the Lord). A month after Dan and I got married I started to feel weird. Foods that I could eat with no problem made me queasy and sick. 

       One day Dan and I were going to Iowa and I started to not feel good (diarrhea) after I ate McDonalds and went to the bathroom. I was in the stalls for twenty minutes and afterwards I felt fine. I knew something was off. When I have those problems before it's normally a twenty- four hour thing. 

       I looked at Dan and I said the words. " I think I am pregnant." 

        He instantly said I don't think it is possible because we have been through this before. Something in my gut told me something was different because I was supposed to get my period today and it didn't come. Plus when I miss three blue pills I get my period. I forgot to take my pills... wasn't intentionally just forgot... uh oh. 

         So Dan said when we get to my parents we can get some tests. My best friend Jamie ( she has been my friend for twenty plus years, bless her) decided to buy me pregnancy tests. Being the best friend that she is she made sure I followed the directions to a T. After I peed on the stick she kicked me out of the bathroom right away. When I came back in three minutes later I saw two pink lines.... That means pregnant.... I was pregnant! 

        Or was I? It could be a false positive. But I took two tests and both lines were dark. I decided to wake up the next morning and take another test. That one was positive. Three tests all said the same thing... but I wanted to get the doctor's confirmation. 

       We went to the doctor and I peed in a cup again... When he came back the doctor confirmed what I deep down knew.... I was pregnant.... Surprise! Baby McFarland was due at the end of December. 

        I was happy. I was scared. But I was also confused. Why now? Dan and I were not married long at all and now we have a baby on the way. For the longest time I didn't understand why God would allow me to get pregnant now. But then I remembered towards the very end of my pregnancy that God's timing is perfect. He is never early or late. Savanna was meant to come at this very moment. If we would have had her sooner or later she would be someone else entirely. Looking back on our wedding date and personal choices Dan and I made before we got married and our baby's due date, Savanna was not concieved until after Dan and I got married. I think it is so cool that for six years God protected me from having a child out of wedlock even after I sinned against him!   So based on that I would not trade the timeline for anything. Like I said earlier, children are a blessing from the Lord. Whether you planned that pregnancy or not, that child is a blessing. And what a little blessing Savanna has been at only a month old! 

  And what a little blessing Savanna has been at only a month old! 

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