How I knew Dan was the one for me

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Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10 

So here is a question I think a lot of people ask married couples or even couples in general if they have been together forever? How/ When did you know that your significant other was the one?  Some can say they just knew. Others dont believe in the one. I actually had a very specific moment come to mind. Well, actually it was one moment followed by a series of moments when Dan and I were dating. 

It all started back when Dan and I were hanging out but we were not yet dating officially. We had a falling out for a moment due to poor communication and some of my issues but I apologized and we became good friends again.

We were hanging out the night we started dating officially. We were playing the newly wed game to see how well we knew each other. Turns out besides for a few things we knew each other pretty well. The only things I got wrong about him were some of his siblings names and his favorite food. He got a thing or two wrong about me but now he has never forgotten the answers and neither have I.  We made a deal or a bet that if  we could get so many answers right we would start dating. After that round (which we won) he asked me if we would start dating. 

Deep down looking back now, I think I did that on purpose so I would start dating him. But I was scared. I kept messing up. And my last relationship didn't go so well. Plus I was worried I would fall into my own pattern of behavior.  When I confessed my fears Dan said something along the line of this.

"Anna, aren't you tired of this life you are living. Don't you want something more with a man someday? Don't you want a family?"

I did. But I was scared. After Dan and I talked it out I figured I could give Dan and us a chance. If it doesn't work out in the long haul it wasn't meant to be. 

Dans words reminds me a lot of something Jesus would do. He challenges us and offers us a new life. We can go one way and be stuck or we can go with Jesus and have life.

And let me tell you ever since I agreed to date Dan I felt my life has never been the same. It has been almost one year of marriage and almost three years of being together and I have no interest or desire to be with anyone but him. But not only that I am devoted to Dan in love and I want to honor and respect him. 

So it started with Dan challenging me but once I hit the six month mark and Dan was already saying he wanted to marry me one day I think we both knew. 

You see, I thought before I wanted to marry certain people. My exes. A couple of guys I hooked up with ect. But there was a big difference between Dan and those guys. One, I have God in the mix with Dan. I didn't with them.  Also, Dan made it clear what his intentions were for the long haul. The other guys did not.  And to be fair I didn't either and I or them found an excuse as to why it wouldn't work between us.

I thank God now those excuses led me here. But if a marriage is going to work excuses would not cut it.  I cant just call it quits when it gets hard or when Dan does something I dont like. The only time I can truly call it quits is if there is infidelity or physical abuse. Other than that we need to work it out before we walk away. Divorce should be the last resort. So I learned a lot about what it means to find the one person for me. That person will encourage me, lead me to God, and love and repsect me. And I need to do the same for that person.

That is how I knew and still know to this day that Dan is the one for me! 

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