How Dan and I came up with the name Savanna

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But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1 

Coming up with a name is hard. You want it to sound right. You want to be creative without sounding ridiculous. You have names you like and names you just hate. So how do you come to an agreement? How do you pick? Your probably wondering how Dan and I picked Savanna Jean as our name? Well, let me tell you. 

God knew what our daughters name was going to be. As for us, we had no clue. Heck, a long time ago when I was thinking about my kids names I am pretty sure Savanna was not in the mix. But then again I didn't know Dan.  You can say it all started with a book. 

Knowing me you cant be surprised our daughters name came from a book. But its not from a classic. Its from Piper Rayne. Remember the Baileys from my post about how I saw God in the first book? Well, Savannah is where we first heard the name. In the book Savannah is determined, smart, a little to serious but loves her family fiercely. She sacrificed a lot to raise her siblings. 

When we heard her nickname Sav Dan and I both loved that. Even before I found out I was pregnant. I asked him what he thought of that name if we ever had a girl. He said he liked it a lot. It was the only name we could agree on when I found out I was pregnant. I actually was hoping and praying it was a girl. Not that I have anything against boys or having a son. I just had a gut feeling. All my siblings first born were girls. Dan does not have any nieces or nephews on his side. Well, he has a nephew through marriage but Rodney is older than Dan I believe. Plus no one ever sees him on regular basis so I do not count that.  

Plus, Dan and I would of had a hell of a time coming up with a boys name. There was a few we both liked but it wasn't set in stone as it was with Savanna. We talked about Kayden, Andrew (drew for short) Dan Jr. ( Dans pick not mine) and Nathan ( Nate for short). But like I said something deep in my heart was telling me it was a girl.

And sure enough when we went to the ultrasound we saw a line nothing in between the legs. It was a girl!!! Dan was a little shocked and bummed at first but he realized his reasons for wanting a boy was superficial. You know the reasons hes a guy, easier to care for, carrying on the family name ect.  I guess the same could be for why I wanted a girl. A mimi me, could dress her in cute outfits, I understand girls better. But even if Savanna was a boy I would of loved her regardless. Because that is what a good parent does. They love their daughter/son unconditionally.

So Savanna was a girl. But how did we come up with Savanna Jean? Well, we just took the H off for a less traditional spelling of Savanna. Plus, it has my name in the mix. Ann is also in the mix of Anna. Ann was my grandma Dorothy's middle name. She passed away when I was only a few weeks along. I wanted to honor her memory and her name. Dan and I didn't like Dorothy as first name and Ann didn't fit well with a middle name. So we decided the Ann in Anna was good enough. 

Then the Jean part. So my mom was named after someone already. And we were going to name the middle name after my late father in law if it was a boy. So we decided to go a different route with the middle name. Jean is my mother in laws middle name. But it is also my twin sister. So Savanna Jean is named after not one, not two, but four different women in our families. I remember Abby was so excited when I told her the middle name. Dan said it was after his mom since she was around longer. And Abby was like I dont give a shit she is still named after me. And she is. 

When you know what your child's name is meant to be it feels right. Not only that but it sticks. I will admit for a while I thought maybe we should name Savanna something else. I never told Dan this. But I am glad we stuck with Savanna. It was a big reason why I wanted to find out the gender. Easier to narrow names down. Plus when God has selected a name for you he calls you by it personally. And what an honor that is that a holy God knows and can call you by name. Savanna Jean McFarland was a perfect name for our first born child. If Dan and I have anymore kids someday I cant wait to see what God will call them! 

Thank you for all those who have taken the time to read what I wrote! I appreciate it! I hope my blog and even my book is an encouragement. But more than that I hope you can see the grace and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Next post will be about the second book in the Baileys by Piper Rayne! After that we shall see! Till next time!

Anna Savanna Jeans mommy 

P.S- this was her heading home photo from the hospital. Its a little big but it still fits her today almost two months later! 

 Its a little big but it still fits her today almost two months later! 

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