Savannas Birth Story

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Hello readers and bloggers alike! 

After several long weeks and I am sure much waited anticipation, I decided I will now share my daughters birth story. It was actually my experience in labor and delivery that made me want to write a blog to begin with. I felt like my story was such a powerful testimony about God's faithful ness that I wanted to write about it. When I started learning some new tools and coping skills that is how my blog really took flight. So without further ado here is my daughters birth story.

I am not going to recall much from the second trimester. Everything went pretty smoothly besides for some emotional hiccups here and there. As soon as I approached the third trimester I was starting to get really anxious and worried. Like almost on a daily basis I would be scared of something. It pretty much started when I started having to do the dreaded cervix check. 

Man, I thought pap smears were bad but this was worse in my opinion. How many of you agree with that? At least with a pap smear it was a machine? But with a cervix check, well its all hand and fingers. I remember the first time it got checked I wanted to cry. I went through all that pain just to have the doctor tell me my cervix was closed which was good since I was a month away from my due date. Since it was getting close and I heard stories about women who went into labor a month early I asked my OB if I could go to Iowa to see my family.

She said yes but keep in mind that at this point I could have the baby at any moment. Plus, after this visit I was no longer allowed to travel to Iowa. I figured as much. Even though I missed Christmas with my family this year at least I got to see them for Thanksgiving. It was a good time but it was also sad that it would be well over a month or two before I could go home. Plus since Midwestern weather is so unpredictable I wasn't sure if and when my family could come up to see me. 

Thanksgiving passed and then I started going to the OB once a week. The second time I got my cervix checked was worse. It was hard for the OB to find. But she said from the outside I was at least at a one. She couldn't tell from the inside. And she said she wasn't going to. Why? Because that meant she would have to shove her whole fist up inside me. Ya, no thank you. So I was getting closer but not quite. 

I went to the doctor ever week up until my due date. Yeah, that right. I went to the doctor on my due date. Here is the story behind that. 

After the third or fourth visit my cervix was getting to a two. So the doctor told me it is more than likely I will have the baby around Christmas. I had a feeling I would. Around week 37 of my pregnancy my doctor recommended I quarantine especially with the new omicron variant going around she thought it was best for me to stay home. I understood her reasoning and trusted her decision. The bible talks about how we have to respect those in authority over us even if we dont agree with them. Since my OB has been at her job for over twenty years I knew she thought this was best for me and my daughter. So I stayed home for a week and worked remotely. I went back next week and I asked if I could come out of quarantine or if I had to stay isolated for the rest of the pregnancy? She thought it would be best if I stayed home for the rest of the pregnancy. I was taken aback but again I knew it would be for the best. 

Let me tell you something. It was hard mentally and emotionally not going to lie. For three weeks the only person I saw physically was my husband (besides on Christmas Eve when my mother- in- law came over for her birthday) . And even though I loved my husband I wanted more contact with others. I didn't go to church, I missed  both family Christmas, all I really did was work from home and watch tv. Sure I got out as much as I could but it was mainly just short drives here and there. 

Plus, I was at the point where I was so ready to be done with this pregnancy. They say babies dont move a lot towards the end because there is no room. Well, that is bunch of bull. Savanna was still moving around. She was also elbowing and kneeing me as well. I would feel something round under my ribs and along my side. It hurt. So I was actually considering asking the doctor if I could get induced. Because I didn't think I could go much longer. Especially, when one doctor said it would be closer to the New years. Even though that was only a few days past my due date I did not want to wait a moment passed my due date. Everyone in my family told me that would never happen. That getting induced wouldn't even been an option unless I was a week late. I hated that part. And that also added to my anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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