How I saw God in The Baileys Book 3

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Hello everyone, 

I am back. So I am stressed and peeved off. And I find the best way to deal with stress it to write/type. So I might make serval posts within the next couple of hours- including working on my novel- to ease some tension.

So we are in the third book out of nine- not including the three novellas- of this series. We left off in book two with a woman named Harley trying to find the father of her daughter. Keep in mind she does know who the father is. Harley got the name and everything. However, she hasn't seen him- Denver Bailey- in about two years. She wasn't sure where he lived since he was catching a flight to New York the next morning- I think it was New York- to fly over to Europe since his first flight got cancelled. He was a one night stand. But now she needed something from him but she wasn't sure how to find him.

Well, when a famous music producer and your baby daddy go missing in a excursion in Alaska it will be plastered all over the news. So she takes time off of work and school to go to Lake Starlight Alaska. She lives all the way in Seattle so it wasn't an easy trek or a cheap on on that matter. But she makes it and finds Denver. Only to find out that Denver was not who she was with that night. It was Rome, his twin brother.

You see, Rome decided to give out his brothers name when he was with her. Do an old switcher roo. As a twin Abby and I have done this before. But it only works for so long. After a while and especially at twenty three during that time its childish.

So Rome who is the bachelor of the family besides Denver now has a almost two year old daughter named Calista. He wants to spend time with his daughter but Harley says she is only here for his DNA and that is it.

But Rome is confused. If she knew he was the father why did she need his DNA.

Harley says, "Because Calista is sick."

Before you start to panic dont worry its not cancer. I cant remember the name of the disease but its the condition where Calista's blood does not clot so she keep bleeding. Harley doe not have it and she doesn't know her family ( foster kid) so she wants to know if it comes from Rome side of the family.  Rome says he doesn't have it but its a silent disease. You could have it and not know it. So Rome agrees to do the DNA test if Harley stays with Calista for a week so he can spend time with his daughter and so she can know her aunts and uncles.

Harley is hesitant for many reasons. Not because she doesn't nessicary want Rome in her daughters life. It has to do with timing, her life back in Seattle, and Shane. Shane is the guy she is kind of seeing but its not serious that she will introduce him to Calista yet.

But after thinking about it she decides to stay a week. And then she decides to stay for a while longer.

Everything goes well for a while. Rome is seeing his daughter, she is meeting Rome's side of the family including do doo ( Great Grandma Dori she is trying to say Dori but all she can say is do doo like the fish which irks Gma D), and Harley even gets a job at Rome's restaurant. Everything is going well. Until Shane shows up.

He arrives at Tara and Mere ( Rome's Restaurant) and proposes to Harley. In front of everyone. She says no. For a good reason. He was proposing for the wrong reason and wasn't in love with her. After Harley turns Shane down Rome proposes five minutes later and again she says no. Two proposals turned down in one day. 

When Rome questions why she turned him down she asks him two simple questions.

First, " Do you really love me?"

And the second question, " Why do you want to marry me?"

That leaves Rome stumped. Good! He loves Harley as Calista's mom and he's lusting after her but he is not in love with her. Second, he only proposed because Shane proposed. He panicked and wanted Harley to stay. Rome thought asking her to marry him was the way to do it.

Harley calls him out on his stupidity and reasoning. She tells him to never propose to her or any other woman for that matter unless he means it. Which is some solid advice. 

After a while Harley and Rome start to date. They then all move in together and Rome gives up his crazy bachelor ways- for the most- part to become a baby daddy.

But then another issue comes up. Harley is pregnant. Again, with Rome's second child. She couldn't figure out how. They were careful and she was on the pill. But regardless she was pregnant. And she wasn't sure how to tell Rome. More than that, she didn't know how he would react. So she basically confirms the pregnancy with at home tests and does not tell Rome. But Rome find out anyway. By taking out his trash and finding it in the garbage. 

Obviously he is pissed and it breaks out into a fight. Keep in mind, a woman is already so emotional during pregnancy. Fighting during this time is not the best idea if you can help it. It is unwanted stress on the mother and the baby. I swear babies can tell when the mom is upset and stress. Its odd yet fascinating at the same time. 

So they get into a fight but Calista gets into an accident and is bleeding. So they have it while rushing to the hospital. Calista is fine but Savannah is freaking out thinking she broke her niece and Rome wont trust her to watch Calista again. Of course they give her sit to razz her. In the end Rome tells Harley he loves her and vise versa.

They end up having  a little boy Dion ( cant remember if its short for the Greek God or not but all their kids are named after some kind of Greek mythology. They have six kids in total all within like two to three years apart from one other. Birth control and protection just does not work for them). Rome does ask Harley to marry him. And this time he did it right because he is in love with her and wants to be with her. 

I saw God in this book based on this verse. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 1st Corinthians 15:51. Change will happen. One way or another. And God uses events and people in order to do that change. For Rome, God made him a father to help him grow out of of his play boy ways and become a father. And God used Harley and Calista to make that change possible with his help. 

So that is how I saw God in book three. Book three ends with Savannah's house flooded. So she needs a place to stay for the next few weeks. She has options but Grandma Dory insists- more like demands- that she goes and stays with Liam ( Rome and Denver's best friend) during this time. Uh oh this should be fun!

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