Dan, myself and Jesus to the alter

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Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. - Revelation 19:7 

Good morning fellow readers! As promised I am going to deliver the story of our engagement. Even though it was a good period of time we had a lot going during those nine months. Here is the story.

So Dan and I got engaged about a little over a year after we started dating. I knew early on that he was the one and was waiting "somewhat" patiently for him to propose. That is a story for another day. After we got engaged we set the date for a year later at the local park in town. We tried to aim for around our two year dating anniversary. Yet the longer the wait to the wedding the more stressed an anxious I got. It was because a few people were telling me how to go about it from my dress, to the guest list, finances and almost everything in between. So after talking to Dan we changed the date. But we changed it for a good reason.

You see, if you say in your vows for better or worse, I think its a good idea to practice that during the engagement period. Makes it easier to handle things when your married. I can still remember it to this day.... Dan's dad was not doing well. They said it was congestive heart failure and this time he didn't have much time to live. We were all the way in Iowa and we just got there. So we packed up all our bags the next day and drove back home. After talking to our boss ( we have the same one) he said I could work remotely because family comes before work even though work is important. So we went to go be with his family.

We were trying to aim for sometime for the wedding in October. But that didnt work out. Dan's dad got so sick that he was put on hospice... I still remember the last few words he said to me... my father in law said, " Take care of Dan for me." I told him I will. It was so hard to see my future family go through this... Steve went to go be with Jesus on October 9th 2020. He was seventy-six.... We had a funeral and family drama. I am not going to go into that whole story. Its not relevant to what I am telling you. 

The holidays after that without him were hard. Especially with the family drama. But overtime Jesus healed those wounds and our grief slowly. So then we needed a new date. We were going to try for February. And then my mother in law said something. 

"Why rush it. The weather might be bad why not go for March?"

And that is what we did March 27th. With a date in set we had a lot of planning to still do. It was stressful but it was fun to plan with Dan instead of doing everything all by myself. But even plans can get changed if God wants you to learn something from it. Weeks before the wedding we changed so many plans. First, two of my bridesmaids couldn't/ backed out of the wedding. And then our officiant couldn't make it. Plus with Covid restrictions there could be no dancing. So now what.

Well Dan and I prayed and we talked about it. We came up with a plan. I asked my older sister to be in my wedding last minute. We called the courthouse and managed to get a courthouse wedding date the day before our wedding ceremony. So when Dan and I got married on the 27th we were already married! That is God's handy work right there! About a month later I found out I was pregnant with Savanna.

So I know you might be thinking this. Why is the engagement period important? Well in Revelation the groom is like Jesus longing for his people the bride to come to him and share his love. But the bride needs to prepare herself before hand. Not only for Jesus but also for life with her husband and whatever may come.

Marriages can go one of two ways. Either make it or get a divorce / separate. Its sad when people who you were rooting for. But you dont know why they might have gotten a divorce. Anyway, I think if both partners did the work during the engagement period and let God lead them to the alter the success rate would be much higher unless there was tragic circumstances like cheating or abuse. 

Fun game I am going to play real quick:

I just watched Encanto yesterday and I can see God everywhere. I am going to see if I can come up with five bible verses to show where I saw God.

1. John 3:16 16 "For God so loved the world,[] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (Pedro gave his life so his wife, children, and the people in his town may live.

2. 1 Corithians 12:5 and 6 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. ( the gifts of the Mardigals all served a purpose. And they used there gifts to help others)

3. Job 8:21  He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. ( Camillo tried to make his family and friends smile and laugh with his gift because he could imitate others and bring them joy.

4. Proverbs 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. (Antonio loves animals. His gift is to talk to them and care for them. He tries to include them in every way possible and use them to help out when needed.

Finally 5. Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. (and I relate to this one. Luisa worked her butt off because of her strength. She worked for what men and her family wanted. She was worried if her gift was something different or she couldn't use her power she would be worthless. Not only to her family but to her community.

How did I do? Let me know what you think! Next post will probably be about the pregnancy during the first trimester. Until Next Time!

Anna Savannas Mommy! 

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