How being the black sheep is not a bad thing. Part 1

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                              This link is a good article that goes along with this post. It even shows people in the bible who were black sheep and thrived in their life, more so than their families.

      We have all heard this term before I am sure. " The black sheep of the family." Every family probably has one.  The one person who is not like everyone else, who doesn't relate, who feels like they dont belong ect. Well, out of everyone in my family I am defiantly without a doubt the black sheep. How do I know that? Just based on these facts I know. I will go more into all this later but for now this is how I know.

1. I have autism and no one else in my immediate family does.

2. It takes me a while to process and learn things. Sometimes I need to find a different way where as my family can pick things up just like that. 

3. I am the only one in my immediate family besides my mom who moved to a whole other state because I wanted a better life. Something different from what I was used to. Like I said my mom moved to Iowa from Minnesota when she was about twenty-two but she moved because it was where my dad lived not because of personal growth. She always said if it wasn't for my dad ( her husband)  she would want to go back to Minnesota and be close to her family again.

4. And I think the big thing is this. I am the only member of my immediate family who is a protestant and one is involved in my faith and not a devote Catholic. My twin sister is not a Catholic but from what I know she does not go to a Christan church at all.

So ya. Based on those four things alone I am different. And you know what? Even though it can hurt sometimes because it is hard to connect to my family and talk to them about things, its actually a good thing. And looking back on my life and where I was then (back in Iowa doing what my family wanted/expected me) versus now (listening to my heart and what God is telling me) I wouldn't go back for anything in the world. Even if it mean I could have an easier life I wouldn't do it. If I couldn't have God, my job, my friends, church, and family ( immediate and those who are not related) I wouldn't do it. 

I dont think being a black sheep is a bad thing at all. In fact it can be a good thing. I will explain more in a minute. But first, I will tell you in my own words a little bit more about that article I found. 

So in American culture we made the term the black sheep a bad thing. It was almost as if being different was something to be ashamed off. Black is also a color that is dark and is associated with bad things. By being different in the family it can ruin everyone's reputation. So now I am going to point out why the black sheep is not always a bad thing.

Do you remember the nursery rime Ba Ba Black Sheep? Maybe you do, maybe you dont.  It goes like this:

Ba ba black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sire three bags full. 

If a Shepard has a flock of sheep it was very rare to see a sheep that was black versus the majority white lamb.  However there wool is very desirable because it is rare. It also worth a lot. More so in some countries than the white wool because it is so common and easier to find. The wool of a black sheep is desirable and valued yet, it is different. It stands out from all the other typical every day white sheep. Please note, I dont have anything against white sheep. Since Jesus is the sacrificial lamb and white lambs are important in Christianity I love white sheep. I am just showing you that the black sheep is just as important and desirable as the white sheep. There is no difference besides the coloring.  

Now here are some prime every day examples as to why being a black sheep or being different is not a bad things.

Lets say you grew up in a physically abusive home. You knew what it was like and hated it so you make the choice not to be abusive. Is that a bad thing? Absolutely not, in fact, it is a good thing. But your family doesn't see that because to them being abusive is normal. Another common example is if the family have members who are alcoholics. To them if a family member does not drink that is weird, almost shameful. Since drinking is their everyday livelihood they might not know how to talk to that person in the family. But again, that is not a bad thing. It is actually a good thing. The other ones who have their mind clouded cant see it.

Now there are a few black sheep's in the bible. The two biggest ones would probably be Joseph from Genesis and Jesus.

Joseph was different because he had another mom from his siblings. He was also favored by his father. Keep in mind with his magical gift his brothers could not relate. So they sold him into Slavery. When they reunited after the famine Joseph said that what you guys meant for evil God meant it for good. So God used Josephs differences to save Egypt.

Jesus is probably the biggest black sheep. None one really understood him besides his followers. And even then they questioned him and were wondering what he was doing. Jesus did everything so differently. He accepted and welcomed people who were bad (such as prostitutes' and lepers) he performed miracles, he challenged the pharisees, and said things that ultimately lead to his death on the cross. What Jesus did was not bad at all. In fact God the father said it was very good and this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased. And because Jesus was God and he is who he says he is he did the greatest thing of all. He saved us from our sins if we believe in him. And he did it because he was different and wasn't like everyone else of the world. Just take a moment to ponder that. I actually have to get going. But since I love what I wrote so far I am going to publish this part now.  The second part will come later this after and that will be about my personal experience as a black sheep. Until then! Enjoy! And know that if you are different and a black sheep that is okay. God uses everyone and everyone's gift for his glory and for good if you let him work in you.

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