| 1.5 | Memory Interlude

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"we were playing in the sand

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"we were playing in the sand.. "

three young girls sat on the green grass outside of their large home.

"and you found a little band.."

two girls with amazing gifts and miracles. one of them excited to receive their gift tomorrow, on her birthday.

"you told me you fell in love with it. hadn't gone as i planned.."

the oldest girl created a flower crown and daisy necklace for her youngest sister, while the second oldest lifted the youngest up to see the highest mountains.

the youngest watched and in an enthusiastic tone exclaimed her excitement for her new gift to come. she would soon be just like the rest of her family. absolutely perfect.

"when you had to bid adieu"

tomorrow arrived too quickly. as the youngest got ready for her gift ceremony. each of her family members cheered and stayed with her in excitement and celebrated with a ceremony. all eyes on the youngest as she walks up the stairs to her new room.

"said you'd never love anew"

the girl held the candle and made her promise, she looked into her grandmothers hopeful eyes. happiness is all she felt. a feeling that would disappear too soon..

"i wondered if i could hold it and fall in love with it too..?"

she grabbed the doorknob.
expecting a shining new door,
a shining new room..
a shining new gift..

"you told me to buy a pony"


a gift didn't appear and neither did a door. she looked up to her grandmother and wondered if this was just a sick joke.

"but all I wanted was you"

no one held her as she cried. no one wiped her tears. she just.. went back to the nursery.. and cried alone in her bed. wallowing away in that nursery.

"you told me to buy a pony but all i wanted was you."

"wouldn't the world be better if we took nonsensical cries for help seriously?"

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"wouldn't the world be better if we took nonsensical cries for help seriously?"

song credit- hidden in the sand (tally hall)

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