| 5 | Hopelessly Dreaming

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My dreams have always felt like nightmares.. Memories or events that I could never change. Once upon a time, I dreamt of a miracle.

I think that my dreams are lucid...

No, I know that they are.

Every night, I have a lucid dream

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Every night, I have a lucid dream. My mind unwillingly detaches itself from my body. Still with my spirit, my eyes remain closed. Night terrors and dreams which consist of things I wish I could change. A nightmare disguised as a dream, a monster under my bed pretending to be an angel. For example, I'll have fun with my family for four or so minutes until I realize that something is wrong. Whether that be Isabela's colour palette or Luisa's powers. When I make that realization, there is no turning back. This life I made for myself, goes away, because my mind knows better.

My insightful mind is aware. My cognitive dissonance is the fool that drives me.

And everything goes south...

Their faces twist and their eyes melt from their sockets. The sky turns red and the stars burn hotter. And suddenly I am motionless, while everyone moves at rapidity. All running towards me, to torment me. I am frozen. As if my legs were frost, turning to ice. What would it be like if I were given a gift? Those are my only thoughts as I drown. Are these nightmares, my gifts? In my dreams, where I have a gift, I've flown over our home, set flowers ablaze, frozen lakes and rivers. When I would come home from a long day of using my powers, I would enter my room. My door was always blurry, in every dream. I never got a good look at it, maybe that's because deep down, I know if I tried, I would wake up.

No one ever found out about my dreams. No one ever cared.

One time, when I was nine years old, I had some form of sleep paralysis. It was a night I will never forget. I opened my eyes and jolted awake after the night terror ended. My body twitched but it never moved. There was a silhouette at the end of my bed. It kept walking closer and closer to me- though I closed my eyes- I felt its presence. Wiggling my fingers and toes in a pathetic attempt to wake up-

I was completely frozen lying down. Trapped in my mind and my body. My soul and consciousness left for a second and now it was condemned to my body, in a desperate urge to never be apart from me again. It felt as if I were being punished. As if two lovers reconnected for the first time, after a hell of an event, hoping to never lose each other again. My body held me down. Hours passed, at least it felt like it, my body was able to move again. I finally woke up and cried the rest of the night.

. . . . .

"Mama- I had a nightmare-"

"Ai Mirabel, good evening, what are you doing up so late?"

She didn't hear me, mama looked exhausted, she was making a thousand or so arepas for Camilo's birthday celebration tomorrow. I don't wanna..

"Could you pass me the salt amor?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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