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My name is ImTiredSendHelp.

I also go by Leila Soma or


It's nice to meet you!

This is my first fanfiction so I apologize if updates are slow.

I'm an artist not a writer but so many people wanted a story so I went "why not?"

There will be words in Spanish and Portuguese considering a frequently mentioned family is half Portuguese.

Here is an index for Portuguese and Spanish words if needed. If confused about a word in the future feel free to ask me or google translate, we're basically the same, anyways enjoy.



- abuela- grandmother
- abuelo- grandfather
- tío- uncle
- tía- aunt
- sobrina- niece
- sobrino-nephew
- hija- daughter
- hijo- son
- mi amor- my love
- mi vida- my life
- lo siento- i'm sorry
- hola- hello
- hermana- sister
- hermano- brother
- irriante- annoying
- inútil- useless
- dios mío- oh my god


- avó- grandmother
- avô- grandfather
- tio- uncle
- tia- aunt
- sobrinha- niece
- sobrinho-nephew
- filha- daughter
- filho- son
- meu amor- my love
- minha vida- my life
- desculpa- i'm sorry
- olá- hello
- irmã- sister
- irmão- brother
- irriante- annoying
- inútil- useless
- meu deus- oh my god

I hope you all enjoy the story! And remember to vote! (Maybe, hopefully idk the rules yet lolz)


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