| 3 | Runaways

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Under each of Brunos steps, branches crack and stones turn. Brunos shoulders begin to wear out as he carries his unconscious niece to outside of the Encanto. Each second becomes more and more agonizing. The silence was peaceful yet dreadful, at the same time. Bruno thought of how little sense anything made, how obscure everything was. Why his niece was abandoned by his family, and why he was too. He never understood why Dolores never told anyone that he was in the house? Was it to keep the peace, was it because she was unsure? 'Dolores must love the quietness, she is experiencing now that the miracle is gone. It must be so quiet for her.' Bruno thought to himself. 'Quietness can be the sound of nothing, or sometimes a bird chirping is quiet. Maybe someone's voice is quiet? But they're still talking?' His mind kept racing, thought after thought, as it always does. 

The suns rays shine through the trees, as Bruno's muscles ache. Unsure of how much time has passed, Bruno picks up his pace. It has been over ten years since he left his house, he stopped remembering the days and the weeks. Somethings he did remember were his nephews and sisters birthdays, he always remembered them, even if he didn't remember the day of the week or the time it was, he always remembered their special days.

Bruno found himself lost in his thoughts as he marched forward. When he was young, his house was very loud, at one point in time it was only him and his sisters. They got into millions of shenanigans together, but when Julieta got married, she was pressured by their grandmother to have children, so they could keep the miracle going strong. Then Pepa and Felix were married, the same happened to them. Bruno got into two relationships in total during his life, marriage was something he feared, his love life was quite unlucky. Soon four family members, Pepa, Julieta, Bruno and Alma became twelve members. The chaos was ten times worse than when it was just the triplets. It was catastrophic.

When Isabela and Dolores were born, they almost always cried at the exact same times. Their parents were exhausted, and Bruno tried to give a helping hand when he could. When the two girls got their gifts, things went south so quickly. Dolores was always sick and crying because of her ears, she got many ear infections and she was sick at least once a month. Her eardrums suffered and it hurt her to clean her ears due to the loud noises. She began suffering from severe bleeding ears, and she spent a lot of time with her aunt Julieta, so she could be healed.

Isabela on the other hand, tended to hurt herself on sharp plants. Isabela used to be so accident prone. Growing up she had a lot of fake friends, most of them were envious of her, whether that was because she was a Madrigal or because she had the most beautiful gift. It became so severe that Isabela was pulled from school in the second grade and homeschooled. She spent a lot of time with Dolores and her mother. Isabela was always interested in learning about plants, she created cacti and "ugly" plants but Abuela freaked out. She lectured the young girl, saying that if she made 'distasteful' plants then she would become distasteful as well. This scared the young Isa.

"You don't want to become distasteful, mi vida." Abuela would tell her naive nieta, in hopes she would forget this blasphemous topic. 

Then Luisa was born, she was a quiet child, and when she got her gift, she seemed to blend in with the family. No one.. ever paid attention to her, they left her on her own and Luisa felt neglected. She felt as if she had to prove she was worth being apart of this family. There would be scenarios where she would spend time with her sister and they would have fun but Abuela broke those hangouts up really quickly. Mirabel and Camilo were the definition of 'loud.'  This was besides the constant yelling and screaming when they were toddlers. when Camilo got his gift, he would pretend to be Mirabel to sneak some extra arepas. Pepa and Julieta found them so adorable when they were babies just messing around. However after the youngest girl's failed gift ceremony, everything calmed down, and not in a good way. At least for Bruno. He got the vision and ran away to protect Mirabel. The family became more reserved after that, but they always pretended they were fine.

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