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"Ugh..." you groaned as you slowly opened you're eyes and looked around, before getting up and walking to you're door, opening it.

"Hello, Mx y/n" you looked down at the small demon lady before sighing "hello kikimora..." you said still tired, eyes half opened "emperor belos wants to talk to you, so you better get ready" you nodded before closing the door and stretching out you're arms, letting out another sigh.

You walked to you're closet and opening it, searching for you're uniform then putting it on. (You can make up you're own uniform) You walked to you're door then walked out to the throne room's doors, stopping in front of it. Opening the doors and walking in, before bowing down "you wanted to see me emperor belos?"

"Correct" Hearing his voice made you shiver, as you slowly looked up before a golden owl mask had caught you're eyes standing beside belos 'who is he? I've never seen him before? Why is he wearing a mask-' You where then quickly snapped out of you're thoughts as belos cleared his throat "y/n this is the golden guard" Belos then looked at the person with the golden mask beside him "you will be going on missions with him from now on, understood?" He then looked at you making you shiver once again, Nodding you replied "of course" Before standing up and turning around getting a small glimpse of him before walking back to you're room.

"The golden guard.." You mumbled to yourself before you heard a knock outside you're door, Walking to it and opening to only see the golden owl mask from before right in front of you "oh, it's you.." both of you stared at each other in an awkward silence, before you tilted your head "can.. i help you..?" He shook his head before clearing his throat "belos told me to give this to you" he then handed out a mask that looked like his but silver "oh, thanks" you gave him a small little smile.

He nodded "uh.. you must be y/n, right?" He asked, looking you up and down "not bad.." he quietly but also loud enough for you to hear, you can feel him smirking from behind his mask "I'll see you around~" you rolled you're eyes annoyed but intrigued by his attempt of flirting with you "whatever you say dweeb" you closed you're door then walked to the desk you worked at, grabbing you're notebook. You then started to write what happened today.


You groaned and pushed yourself out of bed, walking to the bathroom and getting ready. You walked to you're closet getting a jacket, some jeans, and some shoes. you picked up the silver mask that the golden guard had given you yesterday. Examining it before putting it on and walking out of you're room, you walked around the castle halls for a bit before going outside to bonesborough. You've never really been outside the castle much, you only go out unless it's a mission or just arresting some idiots who tried to steal.

You sighed and ignored the stares and gossiping around you, looking down at the floor. "watch out!" Suddenly bumping into someone, you groaned in annoyance as you're ass hit the hard ground "oh my god! I am so sorry!" The person then held out there hand and helped you stand up "no, no, it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going " you stared at the short brow-haired girl for a couple of seconds "you're a human..." you mumbled quietly before quickly fixing yourself up "whoa, you're mask looks... familiar" You gulped and hesitantly nodded 'titan please spare me, I'm not good with people' the girl held out her hand once again "I'm luz. Luz noceda. And you are?" You looked at her hand before shaking it "I'm... y/n. y/n l/n" you stared at her in curiosity which made her a bit anxious "uh... wanna hang out with me and my friends?"

You wanted to say yes out of curiosity but quickly snapped back to realty "oh, sorry... I can't " you looked away rubbing the back of you're neck hesitantly "maybe tomorrow! here, it's my penstagram account" luz quickly pulled out her scroll "what's yours?" You looked at her in surprise for a bit before muttering out an answer "y/n... just y/n" luz quickly typed it in before you're own scroll appeared in front of you, grabbing it and reading 'thegoodwitch_LUZura' started following you "I'll see ya around!" Luz gave you a smile before running off, as she slowly disappeared from view you thought 'what... just happened'

You where walking around the woods thinking about the human you had met earlier, suddenly a loud roar had snapped you out of your own thoughts. You ran towards the sound as it got louder, quickly hiding behind a tree you sighed "hello there" you jumped, taking out you're dagger from you're pocket. Without looking, you felt a tight grip on both of you're wrist pinning you against the tree "nice to see you too" the golden guard let out a small chuckle before letting you go.


"What do you want, dweeb" they said as they glared at me, putting the dagger back in there pocket.

"Rude" i crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at them behind my mask "I was just gonna ask- never mind" I shook my head and sighed.

They looked at me with spite before walking away, as I watch them fade into the distant I felt a lump in my throat wanting to say something but couldn't 'what did you do to me...' I could feel my chest tightening whenever I'm around them, I couldn't help but think... is.. this love...?

Ahhh... sorry for the grammar mistakes

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now