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(Yeahh.. I'm not good with angst and you guys have probably know that by now, so I'm ending the angst here)

Tap! Tap!

"Alright, alright!" Y/n groaned and got up from there bed and onto there feet it had been the next day, they yawned as there eyes were a bit puffy and had started to open. They walked over to there window before opening it seeing nothing there, before they could close it a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. Y/n flinched back but soon realized that they had that golden mask.

The boy climbed inside the room and looked around before there eyes landed on the person that he had slowly fallen for, he saw the angst in there eyes as they slowly walked over to them without saying a word. "What do you want." Y/n didn't move as the boy in the golden mask approached them, there right fist clenched in anger before they lifted it up and punching him in the chest, not too hard and not too light.

Y/n had kept there right fist on his chest as it slowly unclench as there head slowly tilted down making them look at the reddish-brown wooden floor, they felt a gloved hand being placed on top of there right hand. Y/n looked up at him and tried to take there hand away but couldn't as he didn't let go, "a-at least say something!" Y/n demand as they kept trying to take there hand away but he still held it close.

Y/n felt there right hand being moved downwards by the boy, he guided there hand on top of a spot that he thought didn't work but he was wrong. Y/n could feel his heartbeat as they felt his hand gave three squeezes on there right hand.

'I. Love. You'

He lifted up his right hand onto his golden mask before taking it off revealing a boy with stunning magenta eyes filled with tears and sorrow, guilt, and love. He let go of his mask as he lifted up his left hand and pointed at his head "do you know how much you've been running around in my head? I can't sleep knowing that you're not near me!" He furrowed his brows to look mad but couldn't stop the tears from pouring out of his eyes.

"And do you know what you've done to me! I kept trying to hate you but I just can't, I-it's like you've cast a spell on me!" He looked at them in the eyes and stepped closer holding onto there hand like there's no tomorrow "d-did you cast a spell on me. Did you cast a spell on my heart that made me fall for you? Or was I just stupid that I actually fell for you even though you hate me?"

"Please y/n... I-I..." hunter tried to form words but it all was either mumbled or wasn't said, y/n stood there before they slowly took there right hand away but this time he let go, this time it's y/n's turn to furrow there brows and yell at them. "You said you weren't interested in me but now you're saying that you fell for me! God, will you just make up you're mind hunter! Do you like me or not!?"

As those words left there mouth hunter grabbed them by there arm and pulled them close, the room fell silent as y/n felt a warm and passionate kiss that hunter had gave them. Hunter pulled away but y/n grabbed them by the collar and pulled them back in, it had felt like time had stopped for the both of them, it felt like they were meant for each other.

As the two pulled away they looked at each other as both of there faces had turned into a bright red tomato-amity, y/n let go of his collar as hunter looked away with a smile on his face. The two stood there in an awkward silence before hunter had broken it "s-so... do you forgive m-me?" Y/n had just nodded and gave him a smile.

As the two leaned there faces closer to each other- "y/n! Breakfast is ready!" Then a voice suddenly interrupted them, Hunter cleared his throat before picking up his golden mask then putting it back on "I guess you should eat breakfast first" y/n giggled at him before leaning in and kissing him on the mask which took hunter by surprise, if he didn't put his mask back on y/n would see that his face was the most brightest red color ever.

Y/n walked to the door before heading downstairs to eat as hunter walked over to the window and climbed out as they got onto there staff, before heading back to the castle he looked back at the owl house and smiled to himself then went back to the castle to get his own breakfast.


As I heard y/n come down I saw them with a flustered look, I sat down on my chair as I ate my giant scrambled egg on my plate. I had finished my food and boy was it delicious then I took a glance over at y/n's plate, there food was just half eaten. Y/n wasn't being themselves they were usually still tired from waking up and there food would've been gone in an instant, I had grew a bit suspicious but shrugged it off.

After that I took a shower and got into my hexside uniform before grabbing owlbert and hopping on him, as I was just about to fly off I suddenly got an amazing idea! "Wait, what" y/n looked at me in confusion and with a bit of concern. "C'mon you don't have any patrolling duty's today, you're not the silver guard today you're just y/n"

I held out my left hand before y/n had took it and hopped on behind me "I can't wait for you to see hexside! It's the best school ever!"







"Did you do what I said hunter?" "Yes. Emperor belos"

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now