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"Shit.. shit.. shit..." y/n paced back and forth in there room with there hands on there head, tugging on a bit of there hair. "I just got the book, and now I lost it! How the hell did-"

"Watch it"

"Oh no.." y/n quickly ran out there room to golden guard, as they passed a few other guards on the way. They saw that the golden guard had something in his hand, and that something was the book of wild magic. "No, no, no, no..." y/n tried to quietly and quickly grab the book but the golden guard was too fast, and he hid it behind his back.

"Golden guard.. uhm- did you maybe have seen my book?.." the golden guard just stood there not saying anything and just stared at y/n. They sighed and looked to the ground not wanting look him at the face- err- mask. "I know what you're gonna say... I'll just go and pack my stuff.." before y/n could turn around they felt something hard being shoved onto there chest, it was the book. Did the golden guard give it back? Was he pitying them? Or was he just being nice?

Y/n wanted to thank him but he was already gone from sight, they went back to there room and locked the door behind them. Y/n placed the book onto there table and sat down, opening the first page, y/n felt something weird but just shrugged it off and continued reading and researching through the book until it was the next day.

-12:00 pm-

After flipping through all the pages of the book y/n was still awake and still had a lot of energy, y/n stretched out there limbs and stood up. They grabbed there satchel and grabbed the book, putting it in there as they also grabbed some paper, a pen, and a cloak. They wrapped the cloak around them and opened quietly opened there door, looking left and right before walking out and quietly sneaked out the castle. But it wasn't easy of course, there where guards patrolling everywhere and y/n still got out.

After successfully sneaking out they leaned against a tree panting as they catch there breathe, they then walked into the woods but not far from the castle. Y/n sat down and grabbed the book, the papers, and the pen, from out of there satchel. They opened the book and placed it down, the page that y/n picked had this so called 'glyphs' y/n was so interested in them that they had to try it out.

Y/n grabbed one paper and there pen, they started to draw a circle, then a triangle, a little circle and a little triangle, then lines. Y/n held there breathe before tapping the paper gently, it started to float and crumble into a ball, then turned into a small light orb. Y/n was ecstatic, they jumped up to there feet and jumped up and down. "I did it, I did it, I did it!"

"Yeah, you did. You did wild magic" a voice lurked from the bushes as it started to rustle, revealing the golden guard walking towards them. "G-golden guard.." y/n quickly hid the book behind them. "What are you doing so up late?.." y/n cleared there throat as the golden guard slowly walked towards them. "I could ask you the same thing"

The golden guard then grabbed a piece of paper then y/n's pen, as he stared to draw down something, he then tapped it doing the same thing y/n did a couple seconds ago. "You.. like wild magic?" Y/n hesitantly asked as they started to calm down. Golden guard sat down and sighed "I don't like wild magic.. but, it is a bit helpful" y/n sat next to him and started to draw more glyphs, there was ice, fire, plant, and of course light.

After talking for many hours and researching about wild magic the two finally took a break.

"Y'know... you're not that bad, Goldie" y/n smiled at him and nudged his shoulder "please, don't ever call me that" y/n chuckled and sighed. 'Should I tell him?'

Goldie- I mean- golden guard looked at y/n before asking "don't you have powers?" Y/n looked down at there hands as they fidgeted with them "I... I don't.." y/n sighed again "I'm powerless... well half actually..."

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now