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(Completely forgot I still have a story to finish...)

"Y/n! Y/n wake up!" You're eyes quickly opened as you hesitantly looked at luz who had a concerned and worried look plastered on her face "are you ok? You where mumbling and groaning in you're sleep" she placed a hand onto you're shoulder making you flinch a little, suddenly getting a small flashback to the emperor and the stopwatch from the dream.

"Yeah I'm fine.. I have to go back- uhh- home..." 'home?' Was the castle really you're home? Or is it really the only place you can stay? Luz slightly furrowed her eyebrows "you know you can tell me anything, we're friends after all" you looked at her before getting up and packing up you're things then walking to the door "bye luz..." you let out a shaky sigh then leaving walking into the woods clearing you're head before heading to bonesborough.


I sighed as i looked down at the walking civilians in bonesborough as I sat from on top of a building bored out of my mind 'no sign of the owl lady or the human, merchants walking around forcing people to buy there stuff, y/n walking into the library with the blight twins- wait- y/n with the blight twins?' I shook my head before standing up and jumping down into an alley perfectly landing because I'm the golden guard of course.

I slowly reached to my mask before hesitantly taking it off, as i looked at myself from the reflection of my golden mask I couldn't help but frown looking at my own face. I shook my head once again before setting my mask down then taking off my white cloak and shoving it into a bag I bought a while ago, taking out a yellow hoodie, black jeans, and some shoes I also bought a while ago with no explanation. I swiftly and quickly started changing in an alley, yeah not the best spot to change clothes but who even gives a fuck.

As I finished changing I then grabbed my mask before putting it back on and yanked the bag putting it on, rushing to the library before stopping at the front door "what the hell am I doing.." I said to myself, I wanted to turn back and leave but then there's something telling me to go and see them for some reason. Without thinking my body subconsciously started to move walking into the library 'there's no turning back now... well not really I can just literally turn around and leave- you know what- never mind'

As I walked around I heard a faints of a giggle, turning around the corner of a bookshelf I saw them two emerald green haired twins, one short, one long in a braid, moles on each opposite cheeks. Then a y/h/c with stunning y/e/c, I had never seen such a beautiful person before. Before I knew it the color pink had tinted my cheeks as my heartbeat had gon faster. I quickly turned around and hid behind the bookshelf trying to calm myself down as the thought of those y/e/c pierced through my brain.


As I was talking to the blight twins I thought I had saw a glimpse of a familiar golden mask right around the corner of my eyes or was I just imagining things?

"Y/n, you good?" The tall boy with emerald green hair had asked me a question without even thinking I just nodded not really paying attention to the question he just asked me "oh, Ed maybe they just got tired of you rambling about how you look, because I definitely am" the tall girl with emerald green hair had commented giving me a wink,getting a giggle out of me with a bit of blush on my cheeks. But I still couldn't get that stupid golden mask out of my head and the dream I had that morning, I hadn't told edric and emira... yet. I didn't know if I should tell them, or even anyone. But what if the golden guard or the emperor belos knew about the dream, they were in it but I don't know why though.

"Y/n, we have to go, we've gotta go pick mittens up from school" emira had said as I just nodded in response, she nudged edric as he just looked at her in confusion. Making emira roll her eyes at him and tilted her head pointing towards me, edric then nodded as emira left the 'two' of us.

"Hey, are you alright? You can talk to me you know" edric said, as I was too occupied in my thoughts I hadn't even realized that ed had placed his hand on my waist slowly moving his hand up and down. I sighed and looked at him with a blank expression.

"You know, I hate it when you just stare at me like that, I can't read you're emotions or anything" he sighed and gave me a sympathetic smile before letting go of my waist as I just stayed silent watching him slowly walk away. I looked at the ground clenching my fist as tears tried to escape from my eyes but held it back, I held it all back.

I started to walk around the library before seeing a glimpse of those bright Magenta eyes staring at me from the other side of a bookshelf, my eyes widened and shook my head vigorously before running to the other side seeing nothing or no one there "I'm going insane..." I mumbled to myself as I started to walk to the library doors to leave, before I could I heard a thump from behind as I slowly turned my head back ready to murder someone in public. But all I saw was a book lying on the ground floor, I walked towards it scanning the book before picking it up and reading the title of it 'the book of wild magic, and how to use them' my eyes lit up with interest, I knew a little of wild magic but not all of them. So I went over to the librarians desk to see if I could borrow it for at least 2 days.

The librarian looked at me with a smile "oh, you can keep it dear, it's an old book no one's really read it" a smile formed onto my lips as I nodded and thanked the librarian before walking out of the library, but something kept bothering me the feeling of something or someone keeping a watch on you. I hid the book in my satchel that I had with me then looking up at a giant clock seeing that it was almost the afternoon, I quickly ran back to the castle and then before I knew it I had bumped into someone "watch it" and that someone was the least person I ever wanted to meet. The bratty and selfish golden guard.

"Sorry.." I said quietly before rushing into my room and locking the door behind me, I tried to grab the book I just got from the library but all I could feel was nothing but air and some candy wrappers and lint. I looked down inside my satchel with the book gone.


𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now