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"Here we are! Welcome to hexside" luz hopped off owlbert so did y/n, owlbert revert back to his little owl form before flying back to the owl house. Y/n looked around as they saw other students walking around "why are there so many..." luz turned to y/n who was suddenly hiding behind her "Oh, right! I have to do something. See ya!" Luz ran off in a hurry to do something important, y/n felt there stomach twists and turn from there social anxiety.

Y/n walked around before bumping into someone familiar "oh, it's you. Willow, right?" The short girl smiled and nodded, there were pamphlets in her hands. Y/n pointed at them before asking "may I have one?" Willow grabbed one and handed it to y/n. "Flyer derby?" Willow's smile grew bigger then started to explain. "I see" y/n thought for a bit before grabbing some more pamphlets from willow before they walked around as they handed them out, after an hour had y/n came back with pamphlets still in there hands.

Gus who was with them suddenly got an idea "I guess you better put on our uniforms" he had said as he twirled his finger in a circle, suddenly a light blue smoke appeared on y/n. As the smoke faded y/n was wearing a hexside uniform with (you're coven color) sleeves and leggings.

Y/n smiled at Gus and went back to handing out pamphlets, as y/n was walking around someone then bumped into them. "Y/n!?" The familiar voice called out, y/n looked up at the boy as there face slowly flushed red. "You!?" They had yelled in unison, y/n grabbed hunter's arm before running behind a stall.

"Goldie, What are you doing here!?"

  "I should ask the same thing!"

"I was dragged here by luz" y/n sighed as they crossed there arms across there chest "since I'm off duty for a week, luz thought it would be fun to take me with her to school" y/n stared hunter up and down as they saw that they were also wearing a hexside uniform "potions coven, huh?" Hunter rolled his eyes at them before walking off as y/n followed them "I'm here to recruit since were running out"

"We are?" Y/n looked at him confused on how they run out of recruits since there's literally millions of them, as y/n watched hunter fail miserably at his task he suddenly then got attacked by a griffin. Y/n quickly went besides him before feeling an arm slither around there waist and getting pulled up onto a staff, hunter and y/n flew in the air trying to get away from the giant creature.

"Calm down! You fleabag!" "Oh yeah, make it more agitated like it wasn't already!" The two soared into the sky still trying to escape from the beast, it had bit off hunter's right boot "hey!" "At least it wasn't your foot" y/n sighed and held onto hunter as he suddenly dove down passing the agitated creature.

He had then took back his boot and swiftly passed two familiar people, "hey, you!" Vines then appeared and approached us, "wait!-" y/n tried to stop hunter as he tried to escape but the vines had already wrapped around us as it lowered us down and into the floor, the two looked up to see willow and Gus. Willow walked closer to them before pulling out a pamphlet "wanna join my flyer derby team?" Y/n groaned out of relief before smiling at them.

The vines had loosened there grip before y/n and hunter stood up straight brushing off the extra vines on them while willow introduced themselves "this is Gus porter and I'm willow park" willow grabbed hunter's right hand as she shook it eagerly making hunter shake as y/n chuckled at him "future captain of the flyer derby team"

"Nice.. to- meet you.." hunter had stopped shaking as willow let go of his hand "you're flying was amazing, your a new student right?"


As y/n and hunter did all the cool stunts to attract other students to join y/n couldn't help but feel that something's quiet off, hunter had said something but y/n was too far to hear it "You guys can come down now" as the the two of them flew down, willow then introduced the teams "allow me to introduce you to the best and the brightest of hexside"

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now