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As me and my mom ran to the owl house, I quickly fell to my knees as my wrist started to hurt more and more as we got far away from the castle. "Darling, what's wrong?" Aadhira gently picked me up as she ran inside the house, there was no one there.

As mother Aadhira started to panick she gently placed me down onto the sofa, as my head started to spin and my breathing slowed I can feel my body's energy draining. Then suddenly everything turned black once again "here again." I looked around and saw a marble like portal.

I walked over to it to see it turn clear, i was in mirror in hunter's room. I still felt betrayed by him but I couldn't be mad at him, he was forced to do this. As I saw him walk in with flapjack I then started to call out for him, he didn't hear.

I tried banging on the glass, that had caught his attention "y-y/n!?" He quickly went to the mirror as he tried reaching my hand, I tried to tell him but it didn't look like he could hear me. He looked down at the floor "I'm sorry... I had to or belos-" he clenched his fist before looking back up at me, as tears were trying to pour from his eyes.

I gave him a half smile before my right arm turned black as it slowly engulfed me, hunter panicked as he couldn't do anything to help me. My body ached as it slowly turned into something, hunter's eyes widened as he watched me turn into a monster with multiple blood red eyes and sharp pointed teeth. As it had multiple limbs and sharp branches coming out of it.

I couldn't control it, my body had moved on its own. Someone... please help me... i couldn't control 'it' the monster tore up my bed and my stuff, my head hurts. "Honey?" Aadhira opened the door to see a hideous monster looking at her before It quickly dashed out of the window as the glass broke, the shards slowly sank into its skin as it disappeared in it.

"And that's how you can burn a person ali- what the?" Eda and the others where walking back to there house only to meet a black gooey monster, eda grabbed her staff as luz quickly grabbed her glyphs and king ready to use his powers.

Eda tried to hit it but was quickly pushed back "oof-" , luz then tried capturing it in ice "frozen monster coming right- huh!?" It had eaten the glyph before it exhaled and froze luz "what!?"

"Don't worry I got this-" as king was about to scream Aadhira quickly ran to them "stop! That's y/n!" Everyone looked at the monster as it looked over and ran into the streets of boiling isles. "What do you mean that's y/n!? And who are you anyways? " Said eda in a worrisome and monotone voice "no time to explain. Right now we need to capture and calm them down"


"Halt!" Said a coven guard.

Other coven guards then surrounded the beast as it wrecked its surroundings, the others then ran to the danger but was stopped by a boy in a golden mask "leave" said the boy, he looked over to the beast with it now captured in a red bubble. "Leave them alone!" Yelled luz as she tried to save them but was too late, the beast had been sent back to the castle.

As the boy was about to leave with the other coven guards, luz had pulled him aside "hunter, what the heck are you doing!? They're your partner!" Hunter had kept quiet for a bit before answering "I don't think they want to anymore... I had to, or belos would've killed them. He said if I put a curse on them then he would kept them alive..."

"Wait- how do you know about me and y/n's relationship?" Hunter looked at luz "alright no time for that, we have a kid to save remember?" Everyone nodded before hunter had spoke again "I think I might be able to sneak you guys in" said hunter before he had went over to a few coven guards and knocking them out.

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now