~Chapter 6~

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I groaned and rolled off my bed with a thud "ow..." I then got up onto my feet before remembering what happened last night. I placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. I got dressed in my usual uniform before walking out to find y/n. I heard that y/n was out patrolling bonesborough, and so I went looking for them.

As I kept looking for them I finally found them... with the blight twins again, I quietly snuck closer to them. As I heard them talk a voice suddenly spoke "stalking y/n now are we Goldie?" It was that annoying human- wait how would they know who y/n is?

"How do you know who y/n is..." I turned to luz who had a smirk on her face. "Well they're my friend of course" Are humans really this dumb? I sighed and rolled my eyes behind my mask before walking away from them. "Wait, Goldie" for titan's sake.

As I kept my focus on y/n and where they're going luz kept on following me, then luz walked over to y/n as I tried to stop her "what the hell are you doing!?" I quietly yelled at her as she just ignored me, I groaned from frustration as I watch her just talk casually to them- aaaaand she's pointing at me... great.

I quickly turned around the corner but then y/n was already there making me jump back a bit "y/n-" before I could even complete my sentence, y/n had dragged me to an empty room. They looked at me with an empty expression before they sighed.

"Goldie... listen about last night..." no, no, no, no. Please no... "maybe we could just forget what happed..." before I can even think my emotions took over me as I blankly replied "good. I never found interest in you anyway" I walked away from them but looked back to seeing them clutching there fist with a mumble I couldn't hear.

Fuck! Why did I say that... I sighed and went back to the castle then walked to my room, flapjack chirped at me as I sat down on my bed "i messed up..." I looked at flapjack with teary eyes... tears? Was I really crying over someone? Where they that important to me?...

"Stupid idiot!" Y/n slammed there fist at the wall out of anger and sadness "why the hell would I even care for that selfish bastard!" Y/n punched a mirror causing it to break as the sharp glass wounded there hand.

"Y/n!" Luz ran to y/n who stayed in the owl house not wanting to go back to the castle, luz grabbed some bandages and gently grabbed y/n's hand. Luz sighed and started bandaging there hand as they tried to comfort them "maybe he didn't mean it?..." y/n looked at luz with a glare before looking away from her.

"He did mean it... he hates me, he thinks I'm annoying, an idiot, and a weirdo..." y/n curled up in a ball as luz rubbed there back "and just as I thought that someone had actually cared for me... I'm just gullible" y/n quietly cried onto there knees as luz gave them a gentle hug before king had interrupted "hey luz! Eda had too much apple blood and won't get down the roof again!" Luz walked outside then closing the door behind them.

"I love him... and it hurts" y/n cried until they fell asleep and they did.

"I'm here again..." it was the hill like last time or was it a cliff? It felt different.

Y/n looked around before seeing flapjack flying into the castle as they ran to follow him, they where walking until they bumped into him. "Why do I keep bumping into someone..." y/n looked at Hunter who had tears in his eyes and the look of guilt plastered on his face.

"Y/n" dream Hunter cried out as they hugged them before getting pushed away. "Why did you push me away again"

"Cause you're not my Hunter" "MY hunter?" Y/n's face flushed red as they shook there head. "Shut it"

"Hate him, that heartless prick" "you don't really hate him do you?"

Y/n went silent as the question kept repeating itself.

"You love him and it's driving you crazy isn't it? You always looked up to him when you first started training with him didn't you?"

"Can't you just turn back time with you're little stopwatch you're mother gave you?"

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now