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You looked at you're scroll and checked out luz's account seeing a lot of photos of her with some friends, before looking at the chat that luz started a minute ago.

Thegoodwitch_LUZura: hey y/n! Wanna hang out today? 
                                                                                                          Sure, I don't have anything do to today :Y/N

Thegoodwitch_LUZura: great! I'll pick you up at bonesborough library. See ya there! :)

Ok :Y/N


You where already there at the entrance waiting for luz but something in you're head made you pace in circles 'do I look good? Do I need to give her gifts? What do you exactly do in hangouts? Emperor belos is going to kill me!'  You stopped and calmed yourself down "ok don't screw this up, luz is a friend. My first friend even, now that I think of it I didn't even had friends when I was little" someone had tapped you're shoulder making you jump and quickly turned around seeing luz, you sighed in relief. "You ok?" She asked and you nodded in response "oh good, we'll let's go" she grabbed you're hand then started walking to a small hill "uhh, where exactly?" She gave you a small smile before turning to a corner revealing a small house "welcome to the owl house!" She exclaimed excitedly as you're eyes widened "let's go inside" you nodded and walked beside her to the front door.

"Hello!" A long demon.? Owl.? Worm..? Thing suddenly greeted both of you "hey hooty" luz then opened the door that was connected to.. hooty... she walked inside as you followed, looking around in surprise with all the human treasures scattered around the house "hey luz, and.. friend?" A girl with round glasses and had dark grey-blue hair walked over to both of you with a boy following behind her with dark brown hair "this is y/n!" Luz smiled widely and was slightly bouncing up and down in excitement "I'm willow, and this is Gus" the boy behind her waved as you waved back you heard a weird noise coming from a pile of stuffed animals in the corner "Weh!" The small creature then ran to luz's leg and climbed up to her head "who are you, and what do you want from the great demon king!"

You gave him a small chuckle before patting his head "you're cute" which he huffed in response "the king of demons is not cute!" You rolled you're eyes at him "whatever you say" you walked to the couch before sitting down "so what do you guys wanna do?" Willow said as she sat next to you "ohh! Let's bring something back to life!" Gus said with a smirk "Gus, you know what happened last time we tried that" luz then walked to a closet before opening the door to it, revealing many board games "so, what do you guys wanna play?" And that's the blooming start of a new friendship.

Sorry it's a bit short I ran out of ideas. (Can someone pls give me ideas)

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now