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"So wait wait- you and hunter were supposed to be working for belos but you two disobeyed him?" Luz, amity, eda, king and y/n had been talking about how y/n and hunter's former past stands "yeahh... I used to be in the emperor's coven and I think I still am? I don't know anymore... life's getting more confusing" y/n sighed as they placed there head onto there hands.

"I'm supposed to be hunter's partner, the silver guard. Another teen prodigy like him, I used to think that my emotions are my weaknesses and that I should trust no one. Until I met you guys" y/n took a deep breath then looking at them before explaining everything there past, the stopwatch, and hunter.


"I see..." Eda thought for a moment and so did the others "well that doesn't change a thing" Eda placed her hand on top of  y/n's head as she messed there hair up "you're still our y/n" y/n smiled slightly "even if I'm still in the emperor's coven?" Eda gave a smile back "even if you're still in emperor's coven"

"Alright kids get to bed, chop-chop" as Eda tried getting them into beds, luz saying goodbye to her girlfriend, y/n walked up to there room before closing the door behind them. They looked at there right wrist and lifted up there sleeve, the emperor's sigil was there, stuck on there wrist.

Y/n sighed and touched the sigil with there other hand, with the sudden contact the sigil had started to sting. Y/n winced a bit before seeing it had slowly turned black, they thought that it was going to disappear but they thought wrong.


As they where going to sleep they felt like there soul had been taken out of there body, they had lazily opened there eyes as they wanted to get a midnight snack but once they woke up they saw there sleeping body on the bed.

Y/n panicked as they tried to call eda or luz but there voice couldn't form, they felt there right wrist suddenly sting as they looked at it the sigil had cracked and black cracks had sprawled around it.

They tried to get back to there body but they had fazed through the floor and into the living room where eda was planning something, as curious as y/n was they had tried to ignore it but curiosity kills the cat. Y/n floated over to her as they saw Polaroid pictures of a kid.

Y/n looked around as so did eda, she rummaged through her sack of human nick-knacks as she took out more pictures. "No... t-this isn't y/n's mom" Eda had said with a worrisome expression as y/n looked at the picture in shock, it was y/n's dead mom but next to her was a woman with dark raven hair and stunning y/e/c with the same features as y/n.

But the real thing that shocked y/n was the woman's ears they were pointed just like there's 'no no no no... m-mom's dead because of me... who is she and how does she know mom' as y/n stared down at the picture everything then faded to black.

"I was hoping you wouldn't find out so soon" the voice sounded familiar, it was belos "tick-tock hafling, times running out" y/n's right wrist started to hurt even more as they saw belos standing in front of them.

They looked around to see that they where suddenly back in there room, thinking it was another nightmare and the lady in the picture was not there real mother.

They looked out the window to see that it was still night, as they sighed they got up and snuck out of the house before going into town. As y/n couldn't get the woman out of there head they then suddenly got pulled into an alley with there mouth covered.

As there instinct kicked in they grabbed one of the person's arm as they swung them over, with a loud thud and a groan y/n looked over and saw ed lying on the floor "told ya not to do that" emira had said as she walked over to her twin lying on the floor "yup.."

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now