-chapter 7-

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Warning: angst, suicidal thoughts?

"Turn back time..."

"I'm y/n l/n... others call me n/n or n/n... but most people call me silver guard, an empty vessel of nothingness. I'm just the golden guard's little assistant and nothing more... more..."

"No one really cares if i get sad, but they do when that sadness turns into anger"

"Rule.1: never show you're emotions, they'll think you're weak if you do" y/n told themselves in the mirror before sneaking out to bonesborough, they walked around as they watched everything through the holes from behind that silver mask.

They didn't wanna go back but they had to or emperor belos would kill them... death doesn't seem bad.

Y/n would rather hang there self than go back and help the golden guard more than anything, that stupid annoying voice kept repeating in there head.

They tried to shake it off but couldn't. You love him and it's driving you crazy, you need him, you felt safe, you fell for him-

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" As y/n cried out with tears in there eyes they couldn't help but feel the pain in there chest, there body started to shake uncontrollably.

Y/n felt like they couldn't breath, they felt helpless, they felt weak. Y/n tried to calm down as they tried to call for help "h-help... so-some-one..." but there voice started to fade as they fell to there knees "h-hunter..." as there vision slowly faded to black they felt a someone carry them.

"Y/n please wake up... I'm sorry... I do love you"

Y/n groggily opened half of there eyes as they rolled over to there side feeling something... feathery? They slowly opened there eyes seeing a red cardinal with a scar on it's left eye, they heard someone opening the door so they quickly closed there eyes as they faked sleep.

Y/n slowly opened one eye to see those beautiful magenta eyes, they quickly sat up and crawled away until there back had hit the stone wall. "Oh, sorry for scaring you..." Hunter rubbed the back of there neck as they placed a bowl of what looks like soup on there nightstand.

Y/n stayed quiet as they didn't want to make eye contact especially when Hunter didn't have his mask on. "You had a panic attack and collapsed on the streets, so I thought maybe I should bring you back to the castle..." Hunter sighed as flapjack flew onto his shoulder chirping at him.

Hunter quickly turned around as they heard sniffles to see y/n with tears streaming down there cheeks, he tried to hug them but stopped as y/n shot a glare at him. Hunter never really saw y/n cry or had shown weakness, he felt his heart break as they watched y/n silently cry as they tried to wipe there tears away. "Y/n let me comfort you... please"

Y/n hesitantly nodded as they felt arms being wrapped around there body as hunter laid there head on there shoulder, they didn't know what to do or say so the both of them just stayed silent. Hunter placed his right hand onto y/n's cheek as the other held y/n's right hand.

As y/n's tears started to stop they got up and started to walk to the door they felt someone grabbed there hand "please don't leave me... I never meant to hurt you" hunter's voice started to crack now it's his turn to cry, as tears filled his eyes y/n didn't look at him and didn't hesitate to reply back "I wish I'd never met you..." as hunter felt there hand slip out of there grip and as they close the door, hunter felt his eyes sting as tears started to pour out of them.

Hunter collapsed onto his knees as he started to chuckle "of course... who would even want to meet me... I'm nothing more than the golden guard." hunter couldn't stop the tears pouring out of his eyes as he cried his heart out.

"They're better off without me, I know they are."

𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~ {golden guard x reader}Where stories live. Discover now