Make Me

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Tanjiro POV:

I walk into class and sit at my usual spot by Zenitsu.
He turns and greets me with a smile, and we start talking about the test coming up.

Mr. Tomioka knocks on his desk and clears his throat to get the class's attention. We look up to see him standing by a boy I've never seen. He has long bluish hair and a feminine face. He's pretty cute.


Mr. Tomioka glares at the boy and sighs. "Just find a seat, please."

"Make me."

Zenitsu looks over at me and nudges me when he notices my slight blush, grinning stupidly. He waves Inosuke over to the chair next to me. "You can sit here!"

Inosuke huffs and pouts, but he stalks over and sits next to me. I try to give him a smile, but he crosses his arms and turns away. I give up and focus on the worksheet that's passed out. Inosuke, however, sketches little pictures all over his paper and doesn't do a single equation.

I reach over and tap his shoulder. "Do you need my help?" He looks up and I grin. "My name is Tanjiro."

"I don't care! And I don't need help!"

"Oh, ok." I frown and turn back to my work. Five minutes later, I feel a tap on my arm. I turn to see Inosuke blushing embarrassedly. "Um, actually, what did you get for the first one?"

I internally smile and lean over to help him. He listens quietly and watches me. I blush again at how close I am to him.

Once I finish showing him, he nods and takes up his pencil, attempting to solve a problem. He does well, only making one mistake. I smile. "Nice work!"

"Oh, uh, thanks." He says, not seeming used to praise.

I try to work on my own sheet, but Zenitsu nudges me again and wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and try to hide my embarrassment by bending my head down. I can't focus on my work for the rest of class, sneaking glances at the new boy. He furrows his brow as he concentrates, which is kind of adorable.

After class, me and Zenitsu head to lunch. Inosuke approaches us at our table and sits down, immediately reaching for my fries, grabbing a handful. Stunned, I ask, "Why not buy your own lunch?"

He shrugs and continues to chow down. I'm still confused, but I decide not to say anything. I quickly discover that Inosuke has the worst table manners ever: talking with his mouth full, eating with his hands. I grimace and continue to eat my sandwich.

Inosuke is in the rest of our classes. I help him with everything from writing to history. After classes are over, I ask Inosuke if his apartment is near the one me and Zenitsu share.

He shrugs. "Don't have one."

"Why not? do you live near here?"

He shakes his head. "Can't afford one." He looks down.

"Oh." I consider that. "We have room for one more. Wanna come for dinner?"

He shrugs again, clearly uncomfortable.

"I promise it won't be a problem. We have plenty of space."

He finally nods. "You guys has better not be a couple of weirdos. I don't feel like getting kidnapped."

I laugh. "Don't worry, we're normal. Well, minus Zenitsu being the biggest simp on the planet."


"...the point is, you can stay and eat. If you want to stay the night you can too."

"Ok, fine Ganpachiro."



We take the bus to our apartment building and meet Zenitsu at the door. He looks at me with a sly expression when he sees Inosuke, and I swat his arm, feeling my cheeks heat up.

We walk up the steps, Inosuke bouncing ahead. We unlock the room and step in, and Inosuke jumps on my bed and pats the mattress.

"First come, first serve! I'm taking this one!"

"But- there's only two beds."

"What, so you're gonna make me sleep on the floor?"

"No, no! I just- oh, fine." My cheeks turn red. "We'll just sleep on opposite sides."

Zenitsu giggles, and I glare at him. He shuts up and wanders off to the kitchen in search of Nezuko. "Neeeezuko-chaaaaaaan~"

Inosuke, sitting on the bed, furrows his brow again. My stomach flips when he does that. "What's his problem?"

"He's just looking for my sister, he's obsessed with her. She goes to a different school to learn fashion designing."

"School sucks. I would rather spend the day drawing. Or playing basketball."

I sit next to him and wonder why I feel this way around him. It's weird. I just met him, but I feel like I've been waiting my whole life to find him.

I look over at him watching the TV. A basketball game is on. He eagerly watches every pass and shot, and his eyes sparkle. Something stirs in my stomach.

"Dinner!" Zenitsu yells, coming into the room with instant ramen. Nezuko walks in after the smell of food. Inosuke pounces and begins to eat at an incredible pace. He looks up at my confused expression and grins, mouth full, laughing. I smile and offer him my bowl.

He looks frustrated for a moment, but takes the bowl and devours it. When he's done, he sprawls on the bed. I squeeze next to him, nearly falling trying to keep some space between us. He begins snoring immediately, but I take a while to fall asleep.

I dream of me and Inosuke, but we're in weird clothes. I'm in a fancy kimono instead of my usual black pants and green checkered hoodie. The kimono matches my hoodie. I don't know what Inosuke usually wears - I've only seen him in a school uniform - but I doubt he wears fur lined blue pants and no shirt. He also has a boar mask on.

We're fighting something with strange swords - a monster that looks like a spider. Sharp pain, and now I'm on the ground, fading out of consciousness. Inosuke rushes over and gently grabs my head in his hands. I should feel terrified of the demon, but his touch makes me feel safe as I pass out.

When I wake, Im still in Inosuke's arms.



-1060 words :))
Song: Crush by Jennifer Paige
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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