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A/N: It was brought to my attention that this chapter isn't totally accurate medically. I'm not going to change the whole chapter, but I still wanted to say that I'm aware of the mistakes now <3

TW: Blood/Injury

Tanjiro POV

I wake up the next morning, and it takes me a moment to get my bearings. I don't remember much of my dream, but I do remember being in a bright city. And I remember feeling Inosuke's hand on my shoulder.

I sit there for a few minutes, just simply happy. Eventually, I remember that we have classes today. Ugh. Might as well get coffee beforehand.

Inosuke is sleeping beside me, and I nudge him awake. He blinks and looks up. "What?"

"We have classes today. I'm gonna get coffee, but I can walk with you back to the apartment."

He nods and gets up sleepily. I take his hand and we walk back to the building in the cool morning air. When we get there, we creep in the door so we don't wake Zenitsu. I let go of his hand to grab the keys to the car. "Do you want anything?" I ask.

"I've never had coffee."

"Seriously?! How?"


"Oh. Well, I guess you're having it today. I'll get you something good. Get ready while I'm gone."

"Ok," he mumbles, still looking half asleep.

I smile. "Bye."


I walk out the door and down to the parking lot, unlocking me and Zenitsu's beat up secondhand car. Once I'm on the road, memories from yesterday flood my mind. I'm distracted remembering our wishes, hoping they'll come true.

What I said about reincarnation is true. I do think that if your bond with someone is strong enough, nothing can keep you apart. I've only known Inosuke for a bit, but he's already on my list of people who I would find in another life.

Thinking this, I come up on the intersection by school. The coffee shop is just a few blocks away.

Maybe I could get Inosuke what I always get? Or something with lots of flavor so it won't be too bitter?

I absentmindedly start to drive across the road to the other side and hear a deafening car horn. My head snaps up and I see a truck barreling towards me. Before I can react, it smashes into the back of the car, sending it spinning.

Shattering glass, bent metal, something stabs my arm and everything is so loud. As the vehicle flips, my head lurches forward and bangs hard into the steering wheel. Stars explode in my vision and a ringing fills my ears.

The last thing I wonder is if I'll need to find Inosuke again sooner than I thought.

Then, everything is black.

• • •

Inosuke POV

Tanjiro is taking forever. I'm watching the clock while Zenitsu interrogates me, asking why didn't we come back, and we scared him half to death, don't you understand that?

Suddenly, a weird song starts playing from his phone. Some sort of cheesy love song. His ringtone? He freezes, blushes, and accepts the call, walking into the hall.

"WHAT?! Seriously?! You're kidding- is he ok?! Where? Ok, I'll be right there."

He runs back in, looking panicked, and grabs my arm, hauling me up.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?" I ask, nervous but not sure why.

"No time to explain."

We rush down to the parking lot and down the sidewalk, towards our school. I see smoke rising in the distance and my stomach twists. It can't be.

A car comes into view. The back end is completely smashed, and it's on fire in some places. Firefighters spray the flames.

My heart stops when I look towards the ambulances. A figure lays on the ground, having been pulled out of the wreck, and it lays in a pool of blood. Some paramedics are trying to lift it onto a stretcher, including a black haired man who looks especially worried.

I break out of Zenitsu's grasp and run up. My fears are confirmed when I see the familiar green and black jacket, ripped and torn. The rest of Tanjiro is almost completely unrecognizable. His face and head are covered in blood, his hair is burned, and he's curled in a ball.

I fall to my knees by him and ignore paramedics trying to lift me up. Tears fall from my eyes as I gently brush what's left of his hair from his face.

Zenitsu is beside me and he's crying too. I gingerly shake Tanjiro's shoulder.

"Please say something. Please wake up."

He doesn't respond.

The black haired man kneels by me and feels his pulse. His eyes fill as he looks up at the others.

"No," I beg, barely a whisper.

He shakes his head at them.

• • •


He looks at me with pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry. There's nothing. He's gone." My hand forms a fist as I watch him pick up the love of my life, trying to take him away.


"You're in shock. I'm sorry."

I sob, and it turns into a scream. Of rage, fear, or despair, I don't know.

And then it happens.

His hand moves slightly.


The man looks down as Tanjiro's hand twitches again. For the first time, I notice the faint rise and fall of his chest.

"Kid, don't get your hopes up. He took a major hit to the head and both legs are fractured, along with broken ribs. There's no helping him."


"I'm sorry-"

"WAIT!" Zenitsu yells. I look over at him and see that he's just as upset as me, if not more. This is his childhood best friend we're talking about, I guess it makes sense.

"Remember Nezuko? You thought she was a lost cause too. But look at her now!"

The man hesitates. I've never heard this story.

"Remember, Giyuu? She was in a car accident too! And she's alive and well now! You've been protective of Tanjiro his whole life- are you gonna throw that all away now?"

The man - Giyuu - nods slowly.

"You're right. We can try to help him... but he won't be the same."

"Who gives a damn?!" I cry. "As long as he's alive! Now hurry!"

Giyuu nods and lift Tanjiro carefully, putting him in a stretcher. Someone pulls me off of the road. I numbly follow her to the sidewalk, and Zenitsu directs her to the apartment. Once we get there, we walk in silence to the room and sit on the couch. We don't talk, we just sit.

And I pray that it wasn't a mistake to share my wish.

1081 words
Song: Understanding in a Car Crash by Thursday
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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