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Tanjiro POV

Everything around me fills me with wonder. The faces of the others, that's Id almost forgotten. The sunlight streaming through the window. My own two hands.

I look at each of their faces carefully, memorizing every detail. I dont want to ever come close to forgetting them again. My eyes longer on Inosukes. His beautiful green eyes that used to be my safe place. That can be my safe place again.

Suddenly, pain erupts behind my eyes. I panic. Did something go wrong? I think as I grab my head.

Doctor Tamayao puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, pain is normal, dear. Your eyes haven't seen anything for years, so straining them will be easy. You need to get some rest."

"But I just woke up!"

"You had major surgery," she insists firmly. "You can't risk straining your eyes."

"Can I just have a few minutes? With Inosuke?"

The other boy blushes and the doctor smiles kindly. "Five minutes."

Zenitsu wiggles his eyebrows at me as they leave, taking Nezuko's hand as they walk away. They had become a couple a year or so ago.

I turn back to Inosuke and cup his face in my hands again, staring at his eyes. Tears well in mine and I sob again.

"You've grown up so much. I can't believe I almost missed it- Im so happy that I get to-" I break off into sobs.

He takes my hands and stops my crying by kissing me. I melt into the familiar sensation, feeling my overwhelmed mind relax.

Inosuke is my soulmate.

I've known that for years, but it hits me now. I have a soulmate. Even when I was broken inside and out, even when I felt like there was nothing left, I had Inosuke.

And I still do.

"Promise me you'll always be here." I whisper.

"Tanjiro, I swear on my life I'll be with you until the end. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

I laugh and press my forehead to his.

"Hey, do you ever have weird dreams?" I find myself asking.


I realize I've neve shared them with him. "Like, dreams of us, but in a different time and place?"

He seems startled. "Actually, yeah."

"What do you think they are?"

"It's almost like a past life."

I snap my fingers. "That's it! I told you I'd find you in another life, but I already have!"

"Hey, dumbass, I found you."

"Did not!"

We dissolve into laughter as the others come back. Zenitsu smirks. "Did you two have a nice sappy reunion?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Inosuke retorts.

Doctor Tamayo interjects. "Visiting hours are over. Im sorry, but Tanjiro needs rest."

Nezuko kisses me on the cheek, Inosuke squeezes my hand, and Zenitsu punches my shoulder, much to Doctor Tamayo's dismay. Then, they leave, and I'm left laying in my bed with my eyes closed, fighting the urge to take in the world Id missed so much.

•        •        •

Inosuke POV

I have a choice.

Go back to the NBA and leave Tanjrio at the worst possible time.

Or quit and leave my dream job.

Simple question, right? Betray your soulmate or give up on your dream?


I can't do this.

My phone is broken so I can't see how many words there are lol
Song: Satnd By Me by Ben E. King
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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