If You're Ready

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Tanjiro POV

I woke up this morning and jumped up, shaking Inosuke awake.

"Today's the day! The surgery! I'm gonna see again!"

Inosuke rubs his eyes and looks at me blearily. "Huh?"

"The surgery!"

He sits up fast. "The surgery is today!"

"That's what I've been trying to say..."

He freezes. "Oh crap," he breathes.


"We're late."


"We have half an hour to get to the hospital! It's 20 minutes away!"

"Go get the others!"

While he rushes to wake Zenitsu and Nezuko, I change my clothes and brush my teeth and hair. I shove my feet into my shoes and grab my bag I packed yesterday as the others finish up.

We all pile into the car and Inosuke starts the engine.

"What time is it?" I gasp, out of breath.

"8:10. We have time."

"Don't- don't go too fast. Especially at intersections."


I lurch as the car backs up and grip the edges of the seat, hard, like I always do. It doesn't matter how long ago the accident was, cars will always terrify me.

Finally, an eternity later, the car stops and Inosuke opens his door. I go to open my door, too, but he rushes around and opens it for me. I laugh and my eyes tear up at the same time, remembering how he always used to do that. And realizing I almost forgot.

The intrusive thoughts, inevitably, make an appearance. What if this is the last time he opens a door for you? What if this goes wrong and he has to find another boy to open doors for?

"No," I say out loud.

"You... good?" Zenitsu says cautiously.

"Y- yeah, I'm good. Just nervous."

Inosuke puts his arm around my shoulders. "You'll be fine. The universe has crapped on you enough. It owes you some damn luck."

I laugh and we walk through the automatic doors, stepping into a quiet and clean-smelling lobby. I wonder what it looks like. Next time I'm here, I might be able to see it for myself.

A lady's voice interrupts my thoughts. "Tanjiro Kamado?"

"Uh, yes, that's me."

"Your surgery is in 5 minutes. You can have a seat in the mean time."

I nod and sit. The nerves are really hitting me now, replacing the excitement. Inosuke side hugs me, then Zenitsu, and Nezuko grabs my hand.

"We'll wait here for you the whole time," Zenitsu promises.

Inosuke squeezes my hand. "Love you."

"Love you too," I smile before the lady calls my name.

"You can go with Doctor Tamayo, dear."

"Doctor Tamayo? You're doing my surgery?"

The doctor laughed. "I'm one of many people
involved. But yes, I'll be assisting. It's lovely to see you again, honey. I didn't think you'd remember me."

"Of course I remember you! You were so kind," I smiled.

"Thank you very much. Let's head to the back, ok? The others can stay here."

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