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Tanjiro POV

1 week later

I wake up, and the first thing I notice is that I can't see. I reach up and feel a layer of bandages over my eyes.

"Don't touch those, hon." a woman says. "You shouldn't try to move yet."

"What's happening?"

"You were in a car accident. You suffered a traumatic head injury, broken legs and ribs, and burning. It was nasty. But you'll make it." She sounds like she's leaving something out.

"Who are you?"

"Doctor Tamayo, dear."

A thought hits me. "Where's Inosuke? And Zenitsu and Nezuko?"

"The boy with blue hair is in the lobby. The blonde haired boy and the girl went to get lunch."

"Can he come here?"

"I don't think-"

"Please?" I beg.

She sighs. "Ok. Don't move." I hear footsteps and door opening.

While she's gone, I try to get my bearings in the room. It smells like antiseptic and flowers. I hear beeping machines in the background.

What happened? The last thing I remember was going to get coffee. Now I'm here. And what happened to my eyes?

The door opens again and someone rushes in, taking my hands. "Tanjiro! Thank God you're awake. It's been a week."

"Inosuke!" I feel like I might cry.

He kisses me quickly and sits in silence. Then I speak up.

"Hey, when can I take these bandages off? I want to see you and the others."

"Not for a while," Doctor Tamayo admits.

More footsteps, and the aroma of ramen. Someone places a warm bowl of noodles in my hands and sits by me.

Zenitsu's voice sounds out. "Tanjiro! How're you feeling?"

"Confused. Sore. Thirsty."

Someone hands me a water bottle and I take a drink. "Is Nezuko here?" I ask.

"She says hi," Zenitsu says. Oh, yeah. Until these bandages come off, I won't be able to communicate.

The next few hours are spent catching up, then visiting hours are over and I have dinner, after which I promptly fall asleep. I'm totally exhausted even though I did nothing but lie in bed.

A few day pass like this. Then, one morning the doctor walks in and says,

"Once your friends get here, you need to know something."

My heart rate increases. I can't tell if this is bad, because the bandages are still wrapped around my head.

Half an hour later, someone runs in. "I come bearing gifts! And the others are with me!" Zenitsu cries, handing me a container of what smells like mochi. I nibble it but I'm too nervous to really taste it.

"You good, Tan?" he asks.

"You look like you're gonna piss yourself," Inosuke laughs. Doctor Tamayo shushes him and takes a breath.

"You all need to know something. It might come as a shock, and I'm sorry I don't have better news."

"Ok..." I say nervously, as my palms begin to sweat at her ominous tone.

"You suffered a blow to a part of your brain which controls vision. I won't get into it right now, but the point is, your vision is most likely gone."

And just like that, my world shatters.

"WHAT?!" Inosuke yells, but it sounds like he's far away. My body seems to be floating to the ceiling. I don't feel anything, I'm just numb.

No sight? I'm blind? No way. That can't be true. I raise a hand to my bandages. I'm going to lift them, and I'll see all of my favorite people, my family. I'll see them again.

I raise the cloth.


And it hits me.

I fold in on myself and begin to sob from my unseeing eyes. Nothing but pure despair hits me. How will I walk? How will I communicate with Nezuko? I'll never see my favorite people. I'll never see Nezuko grow up or Inosuke's eyes. I'll never see Zenitsu when he laughs or look at a sunset.

So many things that I took for granted. So many things I'd give anything to see one last time. Ripped from me. Taken. Never to be given back.

"... for sure?" Zenitsu's voice fades back in as Inosuke takes my hand and Nezuko hugs me. I wonder what their faces look like right now. I'll never know. Another wave of sobs hits me.

"Yes. There nothing we could do," the doctor assures. "I'm extremely sorry. I wish it was different."

I'm still crying, and so are the others. We just cry for hours. Then night comes, or I assume so, because the doctor says visiting hours are over. I can't see the sky to be sure.

I beg and beg and finally my friends can stay the night. I can't do this without them.

I lay in bed, feeling numb and empty. I'm broken. Physically and mentally.

I close my eyes to sleep. I can almost pretend that when I open them again, I'll see my family.

814 words
Song: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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