Morse Code

366 12 40

Tanjiro POV

Im released from the hospital, and the others take off school for the next few days off school to help me adjust to this new normal. Through all of it, an pain which I try to ignore eats away at me, leaving me empty and hopeless.

I learn to use a cane to walk, feeling in front of me. I run into walls a few times, but I get the hang of it pretty quickly.

I learn to focus on hearing and smell, and I'm grateful for my good nose.

I start to learn braille and find it much more difficult than it seems.

The hardest part, though, is how to communicate with Nezuko. I can't see her sign language, and obviously she can't speak, so for a while Zenitsu was translating for us. That was really inefficient, though, and Zenitsu wouldn't always be around to help.

So, one day, he suggests we all learn morse code. We all agree and he looks up the basics, and we spend the next few hours learning. It's not as hard as it seems.

Zenitsu tries first.

- -   - • - -       - •   •-   - -   •       • •   • • •       - - • •   •   - •   • •   -   • • •   • • -

(My name is Zenitsu)

I try next.

• •       • - • •   • •   - • -   •       • - •   • -   - -   •   - •

(I like ramen)

Inosuke pauses, than taps out:

• •       • - • •   - - -   • • • -   •       -   • -   - •   • - - -   • •   • - •   - - -

(I love Tanjiro)

I sputter and Zenitsu gags. "Ugh, gross, barf."

I sigh. "Shut up, Zenitsu."

"But it's gross!"

Someone huffs. Nezuko. She wants a turn.

"Go ahead, Nezuko."

• •   - •   - - -   -   • -   - •


"Huh?" I ask. Then, realization hits me and my face heats.

"I- Um-" Inosuke stutters. Zenitsu laughs.

I wish I could see the look on Inosuke's face.

That thought hits me like a train. This has happened over the last week or so- I'll wonder what something looks like and suddenly realize I'll never know. My friends have learned that anything can cause this.

I put my head on my knees and start sobbing. The others stop talking and come over to me, hugging me and holding my hand.

"Sorry guys-"

"Shut up and let yourself cry," Inosuke orders. And I do.

•        •        •

Inosuke POV

I can't stand to see him like this. Tanjiro is sobbing, hard, and clenching his hands into fists. I grab one and trace circles on his palm with my thumb.

He cries harder and grabs my neck, burying his face in my chest. Zenitsu and Nezuko stand, the latter smirking, and walk out the door to give us privacy.

"Hey." I mumble into Tanjiro's hair. "Shhh. It's ok. You'll get through this."

"But I'll never see you again."

"I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I know you'll make the most of it. Because that's just who you are."

"Yeah," he whispers.

I grab his face and look into his blank eyes. "Listen to me. We're getting through this. Together. I'm never leaving you. You can't see me, but you can hear me, and smell me, and feel me."


"Can you feel this?" I ask, and I kiss him.

He startles than leans into the contact, closing his eyes.

We lose track of time as we kiss, and eventually he pulls back. "I felt that."

"Good. That's proof that there's still something to fight for."

"Oh my gosh... Inosuke, I'll never see your art."

"I'll describe it to you. Every detail."

He nods and curls up, leaning on my chest. I run my hands through his hair and kiss the top of his head.

We just sit there for a while, mourning what was lost and hoping for what's to come.

•        •        •

The next day is better than the last few.

Tanjiro goes about the house almost normally, only breaking down once. We sit by each other on the couch and listen to music. It's because of this tranquility that I decide to ask a question I've been afraid to.

"Hey, Tanjiro..."


"Do you think... would it be ok if..." I stumble over my words. "Do you want to go... on a date?"

He beams. "Of course?"


"Yes! Id love to!"

"YESSS!" Zenitsu yells from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and focus back on his response. "Ok, um, where do you want to go?"

"Nowhere that needs a car."

"Of course."

"What if we went back to our spot?"

"Our spot?"

"The clearing."

"Oh." Im startled. "I thought that was your spot."

"I think it's ours now. If you want."

"Sure! Our spot. Tonight?"


And so, that night, we creep out, me leading Tanjiro while he feels with his cane. When we reach the clearing, we lay on the soft grass and listen to the crickets.

"I wish I could see the stars."

"I'll describe them."


"Sure. Um, the sky isn't pure black. It's, like, really dark blue. And the moon is full. It's super bright," I go on. "And the stars are too. You can see a lot of them out here. There's an especially bright one there," I say, pointing, before I realize he can't see my hand. "Um, to the right."

He smiles. "Make a wish on it for me."


"I can't see it to make a wish. So make one for me."

"Ok. What should I wish?"

"You know what happened last time we told wishes. Just wish for something you really want."

I know what I'm wishing for, then.

I silently make my wish and squeeze his hand. "Done."

He smiles, then curls up in his new positing, head in the crook my my neck and hugging my chest, curling his legs underneath him. He sighs and closes his eyes, breathing slowing, and I do the same.

Gosh, I love this boy.

That night, I dream...

To be continued :))

936 words
Song: Yellow by Coldplay
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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