Hope in Darkness

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Tanjiro POV

1 year later (They're 21)

Inosuke is leaving.

He got accepted into the NBA and he's leaving.

And I don't know what to do.

He got the news a few days ago, and I was happy for him, I really was. But he has to move out of the apartment now and I honestly don't know what I'll do without him.

I'm sitting on my bed staring at the nothing I've gotten used to. I could be watching a murderer sneak into my room and I would never know it. That still creeps me out.

I'm sitting there and mourning all the things that will be lost. No more listening to music. No more late night trips to our spot. No more discreet I love you's in morse code.

I haven't cried yet, but I know once he's really gone I know I will. A few more days until then, but the moment is fast approaching, and as hard as I try I can't stop it from coming.

The door opens, and I can tell from the footsteps it's Inosuke. He sits by me on the bed and I don't react.

"Hey," he says.


"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Ok, we're not doing this," he says firmly. "We promised to always be open with one another. And ai can tell something's bothering you."

"Ok, fine. I don't want you to leave. I'm so happy for you, I really am, but what will I do without you? I'll miss your hugs and your kisses and your scent and... I'll miss everything about you. I love you so much and I want to be with you everywhere you go. But you're leaving, and I hate it! I hate it so damn much!"

"Tanjiro... I don't want to leave you either. I'm going to miss you so much. But I- I can't miss out on this opportunity. I swear to call and write and do everything I can, and I know that doesn't make it different but hopefully it makes it better."

"I won't know what to do without you," I whisper. And the tears come.

I tried to be strong until he left, but I just can't. I curl up next to him in the position I always do: head in the crook of his neck, legs curled under me, hugging him, and I never want to let go. I don't want to say goodbye.

"I'll come home and visit. And it won't be forever."

He stops and inhales sharply.


"That's the first time I've called this place my home."

I smile weakly. "Well, it is. It has been."

"Great. I'm finally home and now I'm leaving it," he spits, and I can tell he's crying too.

"You might lose everything else, but home will always be waiting for you. I've learned that."

•        •        •

Inosuke POV

3 years later (They're 24)

I got a call this morning from an unknown number. I hesitated, then picked it up.


"Hello, is this Inosuke Hashibira?"

"Yeah. Who're you?"

"I'm Doctor Tamayo from Taishō Hospital and Recovery. We have some news concerning your significant other, Tanjiro Kamado."

"Yes? Is he ok?" I ask frantically.

"Yes, he's fine. We actually have some good news. Your boyfriend was injured in a car accident 4 years ago, leaving him blind, correct?"


"We recently developed a new surgery that may be able to restore Tanjiro's vision."

I'm stunned. "Are you shittin' me?"

"Erm, no, sir, I'm not. The surgery is experimental and the side effects and possible outcomes are unknown. We were told that you are close to Tanjiro, so we wanted to inform you so that you could be a part of the decision."

"Ok, thanks for telling me," I say before immediately hanging up and calling Tanjiro. He picks up on the second ring.

"They're gonna give you your sight back?!"

"Calm down, Inosuke. It's experimental. And expensive." He pauses. "Ok, but I'm kind of freaking out too," he admits excitedly.

"Tan, this is amazing! I have plenty of money to spare, this salary is ridiculous. I mean, Im just throwing a ball through a hoop."

"I don't know... what if it causes damage?"

"What if it doesn't and you can see all the things you love again?!"

"True." Another pause. "Me and the others think it's worth the risk."

"Definitely. As long as you're ok with the risks."

"I am. If it means I get to see you."

"So when do I have to be there?"

"The surgery is tomorrow."


"I know, not a lot of notice. But that's when it's schedulers. They need to test it before giving it to more people."

"I'll fly down today. Or drive. Hell, I'll hitchhike if I have to."

And fly I do.

8 hours later, I'm knocking on the door of my old apartment. Zenitsu answers.

"Hey Ino! Along time no see! Tanjiro is waiting in the living room." He wiggles his eyebrows and I scoff, but in truth I can't wait.

I walk into the familiar room and  nearly knocked over by Tanjiro rushing to hug me.


"Hey, dork," I laugh.

He hugs me for a minute, then pulls back and smiles. "I can't wait to show you what I made for dinner."

•        •        •

Instant ramen.

Tanjiro made instant ramen for dinner.

I haven't had it since the day we met, and I think that's the point. One last reminisce before the big day.

We all sit around the table, slurping noodles and laughing, just like old times.  Tanjiro's face is lit up with a smile, and if I could only see one thing for the rest of my life it would be that face.

Id be lying if I said I'm not worried. The surgery is new and under tested. Lots of things could go wrong, but so many things could go right.

After dinner we watch Harry Potter and talk about our lives while we were separated. Then Zenitsu and Nezuko head off to bed and me and Tanjiro share the couch.

He snuggles in his position and mumbles, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I whisper, but he's already asleep.

I look out the window and see the brightest star, the same one we wished on years ago, the same one I wished on the last time we went to our spot.

And I make the same wish I made that last night.

Please make this last forever. Please keep him by me for the rest of my life.

Star, don't fail me now.

1096 words
Song: Hey Lover! by Wabie
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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