Summer and Strawberries

459 16 26

Inosuke POV

I don't know what just happened. First Gonpachiro gave me a kiss and he was right, it felt nice. I wanted him to keep kissing me.

Then stupid Zencocho walked in and asked me all these question that I didn't know the answers to. And now I'm standing outside the door of the apartment, staring at the floor.

Kentaro walks out and I want him to go away. But then I wonder if he's going to kiss me again, and suddenly I don't mind him being here so much.

He takes my hand. "Sorry about Zenitsu. He wasn't trying to be mean, he just doesn't know how to... people... sometimes."


"Come inside?"


We go in and sit at the table. Zenitsu is on the couch watching TV. Tanjimo sits me down at the kitchen table and begins speaking in hushed tones so he wont hear.

"Hey, about earlier..."

"What about it?"

"Well... I just wanted to know if it... meant anything to you."

"Meant anything?"

"I mean... did you just want to see what kissing was like, or do you like me, or..."


"You don't have to answer."

"It's fine. I think... I think I do like you."

"Oh." his face flushes. "I, um, like you too?"

A loud bang. My head whoso around and I see Caribou has jumped up and knocked over a stack of books. He's staring at us with a shocked expression.

"I knew it!!!"

Tanjiro rolls his eyes. "Yes, Zenitsu, we know. You've said that multiple times."

"So you guys are a thing?!"

"Uh..." he looks at me. "Do you feel comfortable?"

I hesitate. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but this is happening really fast and I don't know how to feel about it.

"It's ok if you don't."

I shake my head. "Sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." Tanjiro assures me, even as Zenitsu groans.

We sit in awkward silence for a few moments until Nezuko walks into the room. She huffs and taps her foot.

"Oh, that's right, I promised Nezuko I'd get sushi for dinner. I'll go pick some up," Tanjiro says hurriedly and walks out.

Zenitsu raises an eyebrow at me and goes after Nezuko, leaving me alone.

I should try to think about what just happened, but this day has made me confused and exhausted. I look up to see Tanjiro's discarded hoodie on the table and, after hesitating a moment, drag it over and lay my head in it. I close my eyes. The jacket smells like Tanjiro: sort of like summer and strawberries.

I start to drift off.

I'm standing with Gonpachiro, my ribs throbbing like one is broken. A strange boar mask sits forgotten at my feet. For some reason, I feel strangely bare without it, as if I wear it all the time.

Zencocho is hiding behind some little kid. He was making fun of my face. I don't know how I know that, I just do.

"There's nothing wrong with your face!" Tanjiro exclaims. "In fact, the girlish shape, size, and complexion are quite attractive!"

Did this punk just call me cute? He's got some nerve.

"You're a dead man! You wanna go?!" I scream. He looks confused, as if he wasn't just insulting me.

He doesn't let up. "I don't! I won't fight you anymore!"

"Come on! Headbutt me!"


I snap awake when I hear the front door creak open. Tanjiro steps in and looks confused. I realize I'm still laying on his jacket and quickly sit up.

He smiles kindly and pats my head as he walks by.

I might not know much, but I do know that this is definitely what being in love feels like.

-624 words :))
Song: Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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