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I've gained many things since meeting the love of my life.

A two story brick house with a white roof and obnoxiously red door, which is my favorite part of the house.

An adopted daughter, Akira, who is now 13 and has been living with us since she was 11. Black curls, deep brown eyes, and a big heart.

New friends from the Butterfly Emporium, where the group would go to hang out. Shinobu, Aoi, Kanao, and the little triplets, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho.

Giyuu Tomioka. A father figure who was always there for me, I just didn't see it.

A love for all the sights of life that I almost lost 3 years ago, especially for the people I love.

And, of course, Inosuke. Wonderful, beautiful Inosuke. The boy I fell in love with.

He's retired from the NBA now, working at a coffee shop with me. I asked him why he was willing to give up his dream job, and he looked at me in bewilderment.

"Darling, isn't it obvious? I want you more than fame. Don't ever forget that."

Zenitsu and Nezuko are married as well. Zen gained a decent amount of fame from his music, and Nezuko loves to sit and listen to him play his guitar for hours on end. He proposed at one of his concerts, asking in sign language while still on stage after performing her favorite song.

The two of them don't have children yet, so they treat Akira like their own. Akira, on her part, adores Uncle Zenitsu and Aunt Nezuko.

Akira has had her ups and downs with us. At first, understandably, she didn't trust us. She was raised on selfishness and loneliness. However, she eventually warmed up to us, especially after Inosuke shared his story. She attends the same high school I did, and she has a fascination with poetry and history.

Now, we all sit around the table at the house Inosuke and I live in. The two of us, Akira, Zenitsu, and Nezuko. Akira's best friend, Mattie, and her boyfriend, Ren, join us as well.

We're celebrating Christmas, our favorite holiday. Mattie and Ren just dropped in for brunch before joining their own families.

Zenitsu leans back on the back legs of his chair. "Uuugh, when are we doing presents?"

"Zenitsu!" I scold jokingly, "You're acting like a little boy!"

"But I wanna open them now!!!"

"Fine, fine," I sigh with a smile. We all walk into the living room, where a large stack of presents sits under the tree.

"Yay!" Zenitsu cries, pouncing. I hold him back.

"Kids first."


Akira picks up a present from me and Inosuke. She pulls of the wrapping paper.

"No way! Dad? Pop? You actually got it?!"

She holds a brand new skateboard with the name of her favorite band, Arctic Monkeys, painted on the bottom. She's been wanting it for months.

"Thank you guys!!!"

Mattie goes next. They come over so often that they have presents at our house. They pick up the one from Akira and opens it. It's a non-binary flag.

"You can hang it in your room!" Akira beams.

"Thank you so much!" Mattie exclaims, holding the flag at arms length and admiring it.

Now Ren. He looks around and finds one from me and Inosuke.

"You guys got me a gift?"

"Of course, anytime," Insouke says. "Unless you break her heart. Then I might have to fight you."

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