What's Kissing?

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Inosuke POV

I stand, frozen, for a few moments. Gonpachiro turns and notices me. "Oh, hey, Inosuke! This is Kanao!"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

He looks hurt. "At least say hi, Inosuke!"

"Hi, Kamanano"

She smiles quizzically. "Huh?"

I turn and stalk out the door of the apartment. Tanjimo calls after me, but I ignore him and slam the door, sitting on the steps.

Why was I so mad? Who cares if he has a girlfriend? I should have known he didn't like guys. And besides, who cares if he does or not?

I sit there, lost in my thoughts, for awhile before the door opens and Kentaro steps out. I cross my arms and turn my back. He sits next to me in silence.

Finally, he says, "Kanao isn't- it's not what you think. She's a friend."

"What do you mean? Why would I care if you have a girlfriend or not?"

"What made you so upset, then?"

I shrug. I honestly have no idea.

"We were together for a year, but that's over now. We're still friends, but it's... complicated."

"I wouldn't know. I've never really had close friends, much less..."


A silence. Then,

"I broke up with her because I like guys."

I startle and look up. "Huh?"

His face falls. "You're not- you don't care about that sort of thing, right?"

"No! I mean-" I clear my throat. "No, not at all. I knew a girl who was gay at the orphanage. The closest to a real friend I had there."

"Ok, good. If you don't mind me asking, how about you?"

"Oh, I don't know. I didn't have many opportunities to be friends with kids my age."

"I meant to ask... how did you get into college if you haven't been to school?"

"I went to the public school downtown. If I didn't people would get suspicious. I'm at college on a basketball scholarship."

"Oh. Maybe, since you can go to college now, you can meet more people?" He smiles. "Trust me, the people there aren't as bad as they seem. Maybe you'll find a special someone?"

"A what?"

"Someone you fall in love with, silly."

"What's it like, being in love with someone?" I ask curiously. I need to prove to Zenitsu - and myself - that I don't like Tanjiro.

"Oh, well, I guess you want to be around them all the time, and they make you happier than anyone. And you feel like- like you've been waiting your whole life for them." He looks like he's just realized something. I know I have.

I think...

I'm in love with Tanjiro.

•        •        •

Tanjiro POV

God, this boy is going to kill me.

He's sitting next to me on the stairs and my brain is screaming at me to kiss him but I don't want to freak him out, and my heart is beating fast and I'm floating and I want him to kiss him so badly.

But I have to be satisfied with just looking at him furrow his brow and purse his lips in concentration. My stomach flips. Where did this come from?

"Hey... can you be in love with but wish you weren't?"

"Yeah, sure. Like, if you just ended another relationship..."

"Oh." Inosuke looks up and his eyes are right by mine and holy crap I'm in love.

Zenitsu walks out with Kanao, who's carrying her stuff. They stop short when they see us and we scramble back and look up.

"Um..." Zenitsu looks both amused and concerned, looking at Kanao for her reaction. To my surprise, she smiles knowingly, just a hint of sadness in her eyes. I blush bright red.

She walks down the steps and I stand. "Um- I- Sorry I left! Inosuke was just- it was-" My brain isn't working right.

"No, no, it's fine. I get it."

She smiles again and walks down the stairs. Zenitsu clears his throat and crosses his arms, looking at us with a raised eyebrow and tapping foot like an angry schoolteacher, but smiling faintly. "So, boys, what was that all about?"

"It was nothing, for your information." Inosuke huffs.

"Mhm." Zenitsu rolls his eyes. "Yknow what, I'm gonna go shopping. You two... just try not to burn the apartment down, ok?"

"Um- ok." I murmur.

Zenitsu tromps down the steps and I look at Inosuke. "Uh- we should go inside."


We step inside and close the door, sitting on the couch.

"There's a basketball game on if you want," I offer.


I flick on the TV and stare blankly at the screen, sneaking glances at Inosuke. I know Zenitsu was lying about getting groceries; we have plenty of food, and he never goes anywhere on Saturdays. He probably went to bother Nezuko at her job.

Inosuke has his elbows on his knees, head in his hands, and I already said this but I swear he's going to kill me.

We sit there for almost the whole game before he speaks up.



"What is kissing?"

"Oh, uh-" I turn tomato red. "It's when you put your mouth on someone else's to show love."

He looks confused. "Why?"

"Uh- I'm not exactly sure. Because it feels nice?"

He turns to face me. "Show me."

My eyes get wide. "Huh?!"

"You said it feels nice. I wanna see."

"But- you do it to show romantic love."

"Just show me."

"Um- ok." I lean forward and he does too. I hesitate for a second, but I grab his hand and close my eyes. His mouth meets mine and I can't breathe. I can't feel anything but his lips on mine.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. I could stay like this forever, and I think he could too, but we're interrupted by a throat being cleared.

"'Just friends', huh? Sorry to walk in on your little moment here."

It's Zenitsu, already back from wherever he was. I look at the clock and realize an hour has passed since he left.

Inosuke is blushing fiercely, and from the heat in my face I'm sure I look the same.

"I know what you're about to say, Tanjiro, so don't even try. You can't deny this now."

"How much- how much did you see?"

"I've been here for the past five minutes, so..."


"So, you two. When's the wedding?" he smirks.

Inosuke looks really uncomfortable.

"Inosuke, buddy, I didn't know you were into guys," Zenitsu says. I try to tell him to stop with a look, but he keeps going as Inosuke's eyes grow unhappy. "So, are you gay, or bi, or what?"

"Um- I-" Inosuke stammers. He stands abruptly and rushes out the door, wiping at his eyes. I glare at Inosuke, then stand and run after him.

"What'd I do?" Zenitsu exclaims as I walk out the door.

1125 words
Song: Pumpkin by the Regrettes
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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