Starry Eyes

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Tanjiro POV

3 months later

Me, Zenitsu, and Nezuko sit around a table. I'm in a white suit. Zenitsu, Inosuke's best man, is in a simple tuxedo, and Nezuko swings her flower basket wearing a pink dress.

Zenitsu glanced at the clock. "Oh crap, 5 minutes." He reaches below the table and pulls out a gift bag. "Open it, quick."

I'm confused. "Gifts are after the wedding."

"Just do it."

I comply and pull away the tissue paper. When I see what's inside, I laugh. "What the hell?" I pull out a bridal veil with flowers on the band.

"What, don't you like it?" Zenitsu fake pouts.

"No, it's... uh... interesting," I smile. He grabs it and places it on my head.

"Just wear it!"

"Ugh, fine..." I say, adjusting the band to lay flat on my hair.

"Yes!" he looks at the clock again. "Dammit, I gotta go - Nezuko, follow Tanjiro to the aisle, ok?" he says, squeezing her hand. She nods.

I take a shaky breath and wipe my sweaty hands on my pants, then walk to the hallway before the aisle. Nezuko and some of my other friends go before me, then I step onto the plush carpet.

Inosuke sees me, then stifles a laugh when he sees the veil. I glare at him, but I'm smiling. I smile all the way down the aisle, through vows, all the way up to our first kiss as husbands.

• • •

Inosuke POV

I cannot dance.

No matter how much I practiced before the wedding, our first dance ends with plenty of bruised toes. I don't mind though.

What I do mind is this jacket. It's close fitting. Gross.

A few hours later, the reception is in full swing. Couples dance, food and drink are passed around, and I wish I hadn't agreed to bring alcohol.

Tanjiro tugs my hand. "Come on!"

"Where are we going?"

"Just come on!"

I oblige and allow Tanjiro to tug me along, put the door. He pulls off his shoes and jacket and I take that as permission to do the same, sighing in relief.

We run through the twilight, through the woods by the church to a clearing. I see the boulder and recognize it right away.

"You brought us to our spot!" I haven't been here since Tanjiro was still blind.

"Yep! I figured it was only right; since this is where I really fell in love with you."

"Hah?" He's never told me this.

"Well, this is where I decided that you were my soulmate. I looked over at you and saw you staring at the sky, and the stars were reflected in your eyes, and I thought 'Yep. This is my person.'"

"Really? Because this is where I fell in love with you too."

He laughs and sits next to me against the boulder, curling up in his position. "I'm glad you decided to take Mr. Tomioka's class. Otherwise none of this would have happened."

"Nah. I still would have found you."


"I'm sure of it."

He laughs and looks at his hands, then gasps.

"What is it?"

"Do you see this?"

I liked own and, for a split second, there's a glimmering thread connecting our pinkies.

"What the hell?!" I shake my hand, thinking it was a spider thread."

"Don't worry. It's an opening thread. It's connecting us."

"How do you...?"

"I just do."

"Fair enough." I look up at the sky and, out of habit, make a wish on a star.

"What was your wish?"

"No way in hell I'm telling you my wish again. You know how that went last time."

"No, I don't think it messed it up. The wish still can true."

"You got blinded!"

"But we're still here, together, aren't we?"


"So tell me!"

I sigh. "Fine. I wished that you would always think of me as 'your person'."

"Of course I will!" he smiles. Then he looks up too. "I wish that we'll always be there for each other to help us through hard times."

"Wow, ok, now my wish sounds selfish."

He laughs and looks up at the sky. The stars are reflected in his eyes, and I can see why that would have made him fall in love with me.

"Hey, so, I heard about something..."


"There are some kids whose parents died in that hurricane across the country. The orphanage can't take care of them, so some kids are being left out on the streets. Like you were. One of the kids is in trouble for stealing the food she needed to survive. If she doesn't get adopted, that could be a big problem..."

"You want to adopt a kid?"

"I mean..." he looks at me. "Yeah, if you agree."

Wow. That's sudden. And a kid is a lot of responsibility.

But this girl is in the same situation I was in. If someone had adopted me, my life could have been so much better.

"Ok," I say.


"Of course. I'm not leaving that kid out there to be arrested for surviving."

"Ok. I'll fill out the application tomorrow." He leans his head back and smiles. "God, I'm glad I met you."

"Me too."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

The End!

(I'm sad this is over but I think his was the right place to end it :) If you have any requests/suggestions feel free to message me or put them on the conversation thingy. Thanks for reading!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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