I Fall In Love All Over Again

300 14 36

Inosuke POV

I sit on my bed, trying and failing to make the hardest choice of my life. Leave Tanjiro for the NBA, or quit and stay with him.

My head is telling me to stay with the team. I worked my whole life for this job; I've left Tan before. But my heart... I don't even know what my heart is telling me.

A knock sounds on the door, and Zenitsu barges in without waiting for an answer.

"Hey," he greets me.

"Hey," I blandly reply. "Got bored of practicing?"

He nods, gesturing to his guitar. He released his first album a few years ago, and he's gaining popularity fast. "If I play the same 3 chords again, I'll go crazy." He sits beside me and raises an eyebrow. "What's the matter?"


"Bullcrap. You haven't yelled or tried to fight me in hours. It's honestly worrying me," he smirks.

"Shut the hell up," I laugh.

"But seriously, bro, you can tell me."

I sigh. "Fine. I either have to go back go the NBA and leave, or quit to stay here."

Zenitsu sucks in a breath. "Ooh. Yeah. That's..."

"I know."

He shrugs. "I dunno, man. Tanjiro wouldn't stop ranting to me this morning about how happy he was to see your face. He'd be heartbroken if you left. But this is your dream job we're talking about."


"You cant do both?"

"Even with this massive salary, it's too expensive to have you all move."

"Damn." He looks away and his eyes come to rest in my laptop, which is open. "Hey... what's that?!"

I blush and try too close the laptop, but he blocks it with his hand. "Nothing."

"You're looking at engagement rings?! And you didn't tell me?!"

"U-um-" I stutter.

"Dude, you can't leave the man you're planning to marry!" He snaps his fingers. "I've got it!" He smirks and tells me his plan.

•        •        •

Tanjiro POV

Inosuke walks into my room and sits beside me. "I have something to tell you."

"Yeah?" I ask.

"So I had a choice. Stay or leave for the NBA."

"Oh." My heart sinks. I know what he chose, and I don't blame him. I would pick my dream job over me too.

"I leave today."

"Today?!" I fight back tears.

"I have to be there early for my last NBA game ever."

"Oh," I say dejectedly. Then it hits me. "Oh."

Inosuke smiles. "I'm staying with you."

I laugh in joy and throw my arms around him. He pulls back after a few seconds and smiles. "By the way, you're coming."

"Really?! You're serious?"

"100%. We leave in a few hours, so pack!"

I smile wider than I ever have and nod. He smiles too and walks out to get ready.

•        •        •

Two days, a few flights, and a taxi ride later, I'm sitting in a crowded gym, watching Inosuke warm up with his teammates. Me, Zenitsu, and Nezuko are crammed side by side in the loud room. Somehow, Inosuke got us front row seats. Lots of important looking people sit around us. Zenitsu swears he saw Beyoncé earlier, but that might be pushing it.

The buzzer sounds and the two teams line up in the center for the start. Inosuke steps forward, head to head with a towering player on the opposing side. The ref blows his whistle and throws the ball, the two player jumping to tip it over the other.

Inosuke touches it first, tapping it over to his teammate, who dribbles forward and passes the ball to another guy. The tall man jumps and sinks the ball into the net. The crowd, including the three of us, goes wild.

I smile and clap my hands, so happy I finally get to see one of Ino's games. The other team brings down the ball, but he steals it and drives to the basket, dunking the ball. I shout and cheer at the top of my lungs.

I don't know much about basketball, but I can tell Ino's team is doing really well. By halftime, the score is 42-25 in their favor, and by the end of the third quarter it's 50-41.

During the last quarter, I begin to notice Zenitsu looking antsy and whispering to Nezuko, who nods along and pats his back. Probably nervous about the game. I don't know why; Inosuke's team is almost sure to win.

In the fourth quarter, Inosuke makes toons of baskets, and the other team doesn't make a single one. By the time the final buzzer sounds, the score is 64-41. Inosuke's team won!

I stand and cheer, clapping and grinning. Inosuke's team comes toward us. Weird, their bench is across the court.

The other members of the team make a circle around us with Inosuke in the middle. He looks nervous. I look up and see that our faces are being broadcasted on the giant screen above the court.

Zenitsu passes Inosuke something, and he kneels. He pulls out a box and I finally understand.

Inosuke opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring, and the stadium goes wild.

My hands fly to my mouth, and tears full my eyes. Inosuke clears his throat and begins.

"Gonpachiro Kamaboko-"

Zenitsu punches him. Hard.

"Ow! Fine, Tanjiro Kamado," he restarts, smiling. "When I first met you, not gonna lie, I kinda hated you. Then I thought you were all right. Then I fell in love with you. And every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again."

Tears fall down my cheeks.

"So, Tanjiro, I've known I needed to do this for a long time. You're my soulmate. Will you marry me?"

I know my answer without hesitation.


957 words
Song: Love Story by Taylor Swift
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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