I'll Always Find You

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Inosuke POV

I hate being in love.

I lay on the grass on the hill by the apartment, staring at the sky and trying not to think. It's useless, though. Tanjiro is stuck in my head. Stupid brain.

The sun is warm on my face. It's the first day of the year that's sunny enough to be outside without a sweater, and I would usually be playing basketball. Instead I brought my sketchbook with me outside, but I haven't been able to focus enough to draw yet.

I decide to try again, if only to distract myself. I sit up, open to a fresh page, and pick up my pencil.

At first I find myself drawing a face. Tanjiro's face. I scoff and rip out the page. Think.

Sometimes, when I'm stuck, I draw my feelings. I know that sounds really stupid and cheesy, but it's overused for a reason. It works.

I pick up a random marker and draw a scribble. Another marker, another scribble. Over and over until the paper is as confused as I feel right now. Most of the colors are red or pinkish, mostly so that they go together, but it sort of feels right.

I uncap my fineliner and draw a rough, sketchy face in the corner. Of course it ends up as Tanjiro. Im not mad at that, though. He's the source of all of this, so he might as well be part of the picture.

I draw myself across from him. Then I scribble some lines connecting us, overlapping and confused, so you can't tell where one starts and the next ends.

When I'm done, I stop and survey my work, feeling much better. The picture is chaotic and in no way a a masterpiece, but it doesn't look terrible, and I don't feel orderly or perfect anyway.

I hear rustling in the grass and look up. It's Tanjiro, and he notices my sketchbook. Oh crap. I try to hide it; if he sees it he'll think I'm creepy. Besides, I've never shown anyone my art. But I'm too late.

"Is that me?"


"It's so good!" he smiles.


"I really like the style! How it's not perfect or super refined. It looks more natural."

"Oh, um, thanks."

"I wish I could draw like that. Could you teach me?"

"I can try."


I hand him the sketchbook and a pencil.

"I don't really know how to explain. I just... do it by feel."


"I don't know, like, I picture what I want it to look like and draw it. Or sometimes I just draw without thinking."

"Geez, I could never do that!"

"Sure you can! Here-" I place my hand on his to guide it. Slowly, a face appears on the paper. Not anyone in particular, and it's shaky, but it's not bad.

"There! Try on your own."

He starts drawing, and Nezuko's face forms on the paper. I can't keep from laughing a bit, her eyes are lopsided and she looks a bit crosseyed.

"Hey, I'm trying, ok?" Tanjiro fake pouts, but a smile ghosts his lips.

"No, that's good! It's just- she looks so-"



He giggles and that makes me laugh. Soon we're laughing hysterically, laying side by side on the grass.

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